"On second thought, he's caught his second wind," Arrow chuckles, palming my breasts and grinding against my ass. "I want to fuck you, Kitten. So fucking hard you can't walk straight for days. I want to claim every crevice on your body, including your tits. We'll paint you in our cum when the time is right."

"When the time is right?" I ask through the haze of hands wandering down my body and squeezing every part they can sink their fingers into. I'm on fire, igniting from the feeling of the both of them like I was meant to be the damn ham in their sandwich.

"You'll learn soon, Kitten."

"Why Kitten?" I gasp when he tweaks my nipple through my dress, causing my hips to buck forward. But I'm too far gone to inspect every fucking thing he's said.

"Because you…"

"Arrow! Sheppard! I swear to fucking God," Jericho's loud voice booms outside the locked bedroom door with such venom I swear my soul shrivels away.

"Party pooper," Arrow grumbles, kissing my cheek one last time. "One day," is all he says before lifting himself off the bed and standing side by side with Shepp, who signs something to him. "Oh, sure. Blame it all on me Mr-I-got-my-dick-sucked," Arrow scoffs, looking like a shadow standing before me as he puts his shirt over his head and squares his shoulders. "You let him in," he responds to Shepp's silent demand. "I'm not. He's going to punch my face in. He'd never suspect you. You’re Mr-I-have-a-conscience.”

I take a deep breath, flopping onto my back. Every inch of me is so sated and relaxed that I lose track of time, and I don't even care when the door is thrown open and the lights flipped on, illuminating the entire bedroom we landed in.

"Unbelievable," Jericho grunts, slamming the door behind him. "I had to track fucking Jenni down to get a key. Locking yourselves in a bedroom with her?" My teeth sit on edge at the way he says her like I'm such a goddamn disappointment. "Get up, Journey. Walk out of here," he fucking demands, coming to the side of the bed with rage written on every inch of his face.

He’s so goddamn rude.

"You know what? You're fucking bossy," I say, forcing myself to sit up as the damn room spins. "And you yell a lot." I rub at my temple, sucking in a breath at the sudden dizziness taking me over. "And you're rude," I ramble, talking through the headache forming in my skull.

He bends at the waist, getting eye level with me. Those dark eyes look over my face. His fingers snatch my chin, forcing me to stay still.

"You’ve mentioned how rude I am before. Are you drunk?" he grits out, rage consuming and twisting his expression.

"A little." I hold up my thumb and pointer finger, showing him the itty bitty space between them. "Maybe it was the orgasm." I grin when he stands tall and shifts on his heel to face Arrow.

"What part of the rules for tonight didn't you fucking understand?" he growls, getting right into Arrow's face. They stand nose to nose. Neither of them backing down. Shepp grunts, putting a hand on each other's chests and pushing them back, signing something. "You, too, huh? We came here for…" Jericho swivels his head in my direction with a frown and then huffs, zipping his lips.

"For business!" I say gleefully, getting to my feet and swaying a little. “Maybe I should sit down.”

But I don’t. I stand beside the three of them, staring at me with varying degrees of expression.

Arrow grins like a maniac, licking his lips. Maybe he wants dessert? I sure do. Shepp’s chest heaves when he looks me up and down with concern and stars in his eyes. Maybe I did suck the soul from his dick and make him fall in love with me. And Jericho… He looks like he wants to turn me over his knee and show me what a bad girl I’ve been.

“I gotta go,” I murmur, pointing toward the door, leaving them to their now whispering argument. They don’t try to stop me or make sure I won’t fall down the damn stairs.

As I leave the room, shutting the door behind me, the distinct sound of a fist hitting flesh pierces my ears. My eyes widen, but I'm not stupid enough to get between three mafia boys and their weird argument. That’s a no from me.

I’m fucking out. I need to get a grip on myself.

Once I'm in the hallway, reality sinks my stomach to my feet. I hooked up with Arrow and Shepp. Hooked the fuck up. The Devils. The most notorious mafia men around town. I let them… Jesus. I let them in. Again. I put my walls down for them. Again. And damn does it feel good.

I’m so fucking alive right now, it seems impossible. The air is crisper. The lights are brighter. Everything is better.

The feel of his warm mouth lingers on my pussy. Goosebumps prickle at my skin. The way their hands ran down my body, gripping anything they could. Even the salty taste of Shepp’s cum spurting into my mouth when I brought him to completion.

Shit. My face flushes from the memories. I need a second to breathe before I go back to the party and mingle with the crowd. Or before I face Jenni.

I rush to the bathroom to my right and walk in, splashing water on my face. I need to walk back into that party, find Jenni, and drink some more. Maybe do my damn job and spy on her and Elias, if they haven’t disappeared, too. Jericho is obviously done with the meeting. So, that leaves them in the wind. Great.

Water drips from my face when I greet myself in the mirror. Flushed cheeks. Hickies lining my neck from Arrow’s over-aggressive biting. My fingers run over the marks, slowly fading in the light.

“This marks you as ours, Kitten.”

I shiver at the memory of his words from tonight and squeeze my eyes shut. Fuck. I need to get back out there and make an appearance. Hopefully, no one else saw our joined exit. I can only hope they were all way too drunk to comprehend what was happening. The fear of having my monster find out sends waves of terror through my body, but also excitement. If he finds out… He’ll punish me. But it’s a him problem. He has this control over my body and my time, and he’s slowly losing it each and every time I defy him.

I shake it all off and put on an indifferent front. I don’t fucking care. Not one bit. I can’t afford to care.