“You will follow this man, Elias White.” I swallow hard, coming to stand by my monster, who rests at six-foot-two, towering over me. His manicured finger points at the man staring back at me from a black and white photograph. Leather jacket, neck tattoos, an eyebrow piercing, and deep, soulless eyes.

“Whereabouts?” I bravely ask, sucking in a breath when he turns his glare to me.

“Elias White runs the Blue Spider Gang. They’re notorious for selling potent drugs, something I’ve allowed on my streets. But now, the people of my town are turning up dead. It’s all pointing to him and his shitty operation. Is that enough information for you, Little Snake? Or do I need to do this entire mission for you?” He raises a haughty brow, glaring at me.

Well, it’d be a lot easier if he did this himself. Obviously, he knows the information better than I do.

“I want to know who he’s seeing, what he’s doing, where he’s going. Bring me back photographic proof. Follow him to the ends of the earth. But…”

“Don’t get caught,” I say with a sharp nod. “Of course, Sir.”

He nods again, slapping a piece of paper into my hands containing an address, a full legal name, and the photograph. Great, so much to go on.

Hopefully, this all ends soon. My monster has never combined my missions or extended them before, except for this one. Once he found out Jenni was my classmate and knew I could use her to get closer to Elias and spy on her father, my fate was sealed. Although, this mission is by far the tamest I’ve been on. So, I just nod.

“He’s meeting my father this weekend.”

My brows furrow. “Is that a good idea?”

One mafia man and a gang member notorious for using force to get what he wants. Yeah, that doesn’t sound smart at all. Unless they’re up to something—and that’s what my gut is telling me.

“Pfft. My father is coming around to the idea of him. In fact, they might be striking up a little deal.” She wiggles her brows with a grin.

“Which would be amazing because if they don't…” Her eyes dart to a figure in the front of the class, goofing off with his friends—Leighton LeMaster—the governor’s son.

Jenni swallows hard, quickly looking away from him. Jenni is an open book, never shying away from informing me on everything her father does. In fact, if the mafia wanted someone in their organization to tell everyone their dirty business, Jenni would be their gal. The number of times she’s let it slip about what her dad does within the organization, is wild to me. He’s running from town to town, selling their services in exchange for safety. And now this. Her father is willing to turn his back on the mafia for the leader of the Blue Spider Gang? Why?

“What kind of deal?” I ask with interest.

She shrugs. “No idea. But Elias told me that my father contacted him and invited him over for dinner. So, could you come be my buffer?” She grins again, wiggling her brows. “Make it less awkward.” She folds her hands together in a pleading manner.

“Okay,” I say with a shrug. “What time?”

“I’ll pick you up at seven?” There’s so much hope and trust in her eyes. What she doesn’t realize is, I’m the damn snake about to take her down. As cold as it sounds, she doesn’t matter. My sister does. This is all for Sunny and her damn safety.

I nod. “Yeah.”

Just then, our teacher meanders into the room with a stack of papers and sets them on his desk, ready to begin our final exam.

I sigh, digging into my pocket and pulling out my phone. My finger hovers above the contact name. It's inconspicuous—Landlord. Because I can't very well type his real name in or label him as the monster he is.

So, without a second thought, I type in our secret code meaning I have information without spelling it out.



I anxiously wait for an answer all through math, finally getting one after class releases.


Five p.m. That’s all I can spare.

And yet, if I didn’t relay this information in a timely manner, he’d have my ass and throw me away.

“I want you to gather more information,” my monster says, pacing the creaking floor with his hands behind his back. Anger rests on his face. Whatever he came from thoroughly pissed him the fuck off, and now, I’m about to experience his wrath.

Yay for me.