God, this feels right.

After being denied access from her for so long, first for our safety as kids and then because of my father's rules, it feels surreal standing in the same room without a barrier preventing us access.

This is our moment. I can't wait to slide my hands over every inch of her. She's my dangerous temptation that has been withheld from me. I'm taking what was always meant to be mine. For so long, we’ve held back and watched her from afar. A reach away, but never allowed. Now, being so close to her has the hairs on the back of my neck standing on end and my stomach fluttering from excitement.


A visible gulp slides down her delicate throat, just begging for my hand to wrap around it and squeeze.

One day, my Little Chaos. One day, she'll be the queen of it all by my side. But for now, I'll enjoy what I've been forbidden to touch for so long. For God knows why.

"Care for a dance?" I ask in a low voice, disguising myself.

Not that she'd know. We had been in school together for years but only passed each other in the halls. Never knowing each other. Not really. I wasn't allowed to befriend my peers. Only Shepp and Arrow. They were father-approved and a part of the family. The rest of the school was potential enemies or clients.

"Sure," she says hesitantly, searching my mask for any sort of recognition.

Fire bursts to life in her eyes as they stay focused on me, narrowing with interest when I bring her body flush against mine with force. She gasps, fitting to my front like a glove. Arrow wastes no time, plastering himself to her backside.

"What the—" She attempts to turn, but I force her gaze back to mine by gripping her chin, instantly silencing her.

"Move your hips. Surrender yourself to us for the night,” I demand pleadingly.

She blinks several times, and her brows furrow. "You're awfully fucking bossy," she grunts but complies after a second. "Who are you?"

Her body moves with mine so fluidly we're in perfect sync as the beat drags on. She loses herself in me, loosening her limbs and melting into my front.

“You dance so well,” I rasp in her ear, giving into the effect she has on me.

She snorts, not bothering to answer when her head lolls back. Her hips continue to sway with Arrow, working faster. Quicker. A small moan slips from her lips when she feels my want for her grinding against her front. Dancing like this shouldn't be so damn euphoric. But it is with her. Always with her.

I take in her flushed face, not blocked by the mask. Her fingers dig into my shoulder, nails piercing my flesh.

Another gulp slides down her throat, and this time, I don't hold the desperate feeling back. My fingers wrap around the delicate flesh, gently squeezing until her blood-red lips pop open and a gasp escapes. Her brows furrow. Defiance flares in her eyes. She attempts to step back but fails due to the large body still behind her. I pull my prey into me. Not letting her go. Ever. No more. Our hips continue to move, our bodies melting further into each other.

Her question from before: Who are you? Comes back to mind, the perfect answer on the tip of my tongue.

"I’m yours for tonight," I boldly whisper directly in her ear.

She has no say in this decision.

Her eyes widen, the determination sizzling out. Something must occur to her when a deep flush tints her flesh, and her body loosens again. Whatever retort she had fizzled out, and her neck elongates, allowing my fingers to squeeze again gently. Her body shudders, her breaths pick up, and a small moan falls from her plush lips.

Good girl.

Lifting my gaze, I connect with Shepp, dancing an inch away. I subtly nod, pulling him closer, until we all surround her.

“My friends and I are going to dance with you. The three of us,” I whisper, wishing I could plant my lips on hers and show her how much I need this—need her. “Lose yourself in the feel of our bodies.” It’s a demand—one she can’t refuse. I won’t let her.

Her breath hitches as Arrow moves against one-half of her back side and Shepp does the same with the other half. Somehow, they move together with her, until we’re in a circle and she’s in the middle. Snapping out of her lust-induced trance, she turns and narrows her eyes at the men behind her. I see the defiance there. She wants to push them away. Her teeth grind together, and I can tell she’s two seconds away from telling us off and storming away. Why would she stay between us? She kicked everyone else to the curb. Why not us?

“Relax,” I whisper directly in her ear.

“Who the fuck are you?” she hisses, slamming her hands into my chest. “You think you can just fucking waltz in and start demanding things from the first girl you see? You can’t just surround a girl like this. It’s rude.” I almost stumble back from the force of her blow, and I grin, although she can’t see it.

“Dance with us, and we’ll keep the wolves at bay. Maybe later I can reward you for giving into us.”

Indecision rests in her eyes as she visibly weighs her options. Her hips continue to sway, her body molding to ours like it was meant to be here. It was. And it’s only a matter of time before she realizes it.