It’s been too long since I’ve laid my eyes on Journey West. The distance puts my teeth on edge. Albeit, necessary. We can't be hovering around her like we want. If it were up to me, my Little Chaos would be anchored to me forever. Not a bad idea for the future. But I’m working on that. Ever since we buried that body, I’ve been racking my brain and trying to figure out how to chain my future wife to my side, earlier than we anticipated. And hopefully with my father’s blessing. Despite that I don’t really need it, I want him to be onboard with it.

Although, Arrow, ever the obsessive stalker, has been sneaking away night after night, checking in on her in her room and coming back with pictures, of course.

My skin crawls when I settle myself into my father’s leather sofa, located in his posh office, fit for a mafia king. The title he's come to love and sink comfortably in.

It’s not often I’m summoned via text to his office. But when I am, I’d rather pluck my eyeballs out than be in his nauseating presence.

I scoff to myself, curling my lip at his overly opulent decorations, including original paintings costing upwards of hundreds of thousands of dollars and imported furniture.

If he appropriately spent his money, rather than squandering it away by decorating his buildings with the fanciest designs, then maybe he wouldn’t be so damn broke.

Or have a resistance on his hands.

Perhaps he wants to reprimand me for skipping out on the initiate’s ball in favor of going to a masked party. Or perhaps, he wants to discuss the man I found sneaking around my mansion’s property the night before, wielding a few answers we’ve been seeking. If my father had been present and still living at the home he built, then he would have seen firsthand what happened instead of calling me downtown to the stupid tower he built to get away from the property.

Not that I mind. I’d rather him be there and away from my day to day activities.

“Please!” the intruder cries out in heavy breaths the moment Arrow catches him and throws him to the ground.

“I love a good chase!” Arrow beams with a sadistic smile that could melt the flesh off any mortal in his proximity. “Whether it ends in fucking or cutting throats, it's my favorite activity. And seeing as you're not my type, maybe I should cut first.” Arrow unsheathes a large knife strapped to his thigh, bringing it to the wailing man's face. Picking him up by the shoulders, he forces the man to kneel before us while staying at his back to incapacitate him.

“Perhaps we should let him speak,” I say, burying my hands into my pockets.

Shepp nods in my direction, finishing our circle around the man.

“You two are no fun. Just a little cut?” Arrow asks, batting his eyelashes and pressing the tip of the blade to the man's cheek.

“One cut won't hurt.” I shrug, knowing Arrow won't let himself get too carried away with us here.

We're his keepers after all.

The man cries out, collapsing back to the ground in pain when Arrow uses the tip to cut a straight line down his cheek exposing the bone.

My skin tingles with the destruction and blood pooling on the grass beneath him.

“Tell me who you are and why you're sneaking around my lions,” Arrow grunts, pulling the sobbing man back to his knees and hovering above him.

“I'd answer him if I were you,” I say coolly, stepping forward until I can tip his chin up.


I shiver at the blood pouring from his wound and nearly groan when I run my fingertips through the mess, staining my flesh red.

“I won't fucking talk!” he hisses, spitting blood and saliva everywhere.

“The itsy-bitsy coward fell to his knees on the grass. Arrow took a knife and carved out his ass. The itsy-bitsy coward no longer had a life,” Arrow sings to the tune of the itsy-bitsy spider song, loudly for the entire property to hear. “Because the itsy-bitsy coward leaned too hard on my knife. God, I love singing nursery rhymes in the middle of murder.” Arrow grins again, humming it under his breath as he traces every vein protruding from the man's neck with the very sharp edge of his knife.

What a wonderful father he'd make one day.

“Jericho, Sir!” my guard reports, running up behind me with furrowed brows. “The rest of the property is clear.”

“Very well, Stewart. Thank you for your hard work,” I say with a nod, sending him back to his post.

‘We should fire him,’ Shepp signs with a frown.

“We'll deal with Stewart's incompetence later. Now, to you,” I say, pressing my finger into the wound on his cheek. “We can make cut after cut, straight to the bone. I can play in your bloody holes all night long.”

“Sounds dirty, Jer. Will you play in my bloody holes?” Arrow quips, tightening his hold on the spy.