"Beyond that," Arrow grunts, pacing the enclosed space in front of the lifeless man. "I want to wipe men like that off the face of the earth. If I hadn't been there!" He grunts, throwing the knife straight into the chest of the dead man. "He would have hurt her. It could have been my dad or anyone else that he hurt for that matter."

Ah. There's that sliver of humanity that lives deep inside of him. Arrow only cares about a few things—Journey, his loving father, and innocent people.

"He would have. If you hadn’t been there," I grit out, squeezing my fingers into fists. This man walked into my future wife’s room, attempting to touch her. Then, there’s Arrow, touching things he’s not allowed to touch yet. No matter that we already did, behind our masks with hidden identities. We need to lie low until we can take her into our arms. Who knows what that fucker would have done to her while she was sleeping. Fuck. My nostrils flare until I turn away, grounding myself.

Deep breaths. Arrow took care of the bastard. He’s no longer a threat to Journey. He’s no one. Anyone who dares to touch what’s ours from here on out will pay the price.

I turn on my heels, watching the lions lying intently near the scene. Blood pools on the grass, splatter so close to them they could probably lick it. They’re loose in their enclosure, free to roam the area with Arrow, but they don't. Whatever Arrow says, they seem to listen.

“Stay,” Arrow says, pointing a finger at his precious over-sized cats as they tilt their heads and lick their lips with anticipation. “Daddy is going to get you some meat to eat while I clean up this mess.” I raise a brow as he baby talks the large cats staring at him with obedience. “You’re not allowed to eat this piece of meat.”

Arrow huffs and disappears into the roofed shelter, situated inside the vast enclosure. His lions watch his every move from their resting place. Over the years, Arrow has built the large enclosure into a luxury resort for his pets. They have over twenty-acres of land to roam with large fencing stopping them from leaping out. Not that they’d want to. Why would they? Arrow has ensured they’re never hungry, have toys to play with, rocks to lie on, and water to drink and play in. He’s taken care of everything, ensuring his babies never wanted for nothing. During the day, an expert comes through and helps to continue their care and make sure they’re healthy.

It’s a win-win.

Arrow comes out of the shelter with a frown, throwing both lions large pieces of raw meat in front of their faces to reward them for their good behavior. He then works to drag the man out of the enclosure completely and throws him into the woods like he doesn’t weigh a thing.

"I'll deal with him later. Right now, I have ideas." He grins, rubbing his bloodied hands together.

‘And they are?’ Shepp signs when we step up to him.

"Cleaning the streets of Briar Cove of people like him. People who could harm my Kitten. I want to take them all out and fucking obliterate them!" he shouts, throwing something against the hard surface of the building.

"And how do you plan on doing that?" I ask, curious to know what's going through his demented mind.

He's always needed something to pull him away from his murderous tendencies. Since my father started training him in the basement, alongside me.

"I have my ways. I need to talk to my father." He marches past us.

"It's the middle of the night, Arrow," I grumble, running a hand down my face.

"It's five a.m.; the priest will be up preparing for the day," he snarks.

"Then clean yourself up first. Shepp and I will take care of the body "

Arrow grins. "By Wednesday, I'll have something set up. Something to show you and my Kitten that I have a plan for the future. I'm taking out the trash. Permanently."

I sigh when Arrow walks out of sight toward the house.

‘What the fuck just happened?’ Shepp signs as we make our way toward the body Arrow haphazardly threw into the brush.

"No idea," I say, double-checking the lions’ cage and locking it. We can't have our prized cats wandering into town and eating people.

I blink several times at the sound of a loud car engine booming to life and then taking off.

‘He…’ Shepp scrunches his face. ‘He's leaving now? Did he even wash up? Father Amour is going to flip his shit.’

Correct. After witnessing the exchange of Arrow between my father and his, I’ve come to learn that the good priest is terrified of Arrow’s actions and what he’s capable of. Understandable. He’s got quite the appetite for blood and mayhem. But he has heart, too. Only, as a kid he didn’t understand how to articulate his needs and wants. Like now. If I could have held him back, then I would have. But Arrow does whatever Arrow wants. Only bribing and other means keeps him occupied.

"Whatever idea he had must have been important." I shrug, leaning down to inspect the man's bloodied face. "Looks like a junkie," I hum, following the track lines in the crook of his elbow.

"Let's get this over with."

And so we do, burying the body as the sun peeks over the horizon, leaving me to my thoughts. From here on out, Journey will never be alone. My guys will be on her, watching her every move.

“We’re taking her early,” I grunt, heaving dirt to the side as the hole gets bigger.

Shepp stops abruptly with his shovel in the dirt, eyeing me. Moving his shovel to the side and leaning it on his chest, he huffs.