“Oh, Kitty,” I murmur, looking around her room as my camera swings from my neck. Something that usually never leaves my side. You never know when a picture-perfect moment will present itself. Case in point, last night during our first meeting with Journey. The pictures would have been magnificent keepsakes, but Jericho is a party pooper and told me to leave it at home.


No matter. I have it now, and I’ll have to make up for it ten fold.

“Oh, panties.” My eyes snag on a bright pink pair just begging for me to take. I swipe them off the ground, holding them up to inspect them. One little sniff won’t hurt, right? Her scent fills my nose, and my dick instantly bounces in my jeans. Down boy, we’ll play with this dirty pair later.

Yeah, I’ll save that for later. And I shove them into my pocket.

Despite her room being filled with clothes and shoes haphazardly thrown around, it smells like her. I suck in a breath, taking it in completely. Messy. Chaotic. I fucking thrive here with her.

“Oh, my Kitten. I can’t believe I had to release you,” I hum, hovering above her, watching her chest go up and down. I note the large headphones over her ears, no doubt blocking out all the noise around her. “If it were up to me, I would have taken you back to our lair and kept you in my bed forever.” I pout, gently setting my lips against hers. Fuck. This is dangerous territory. She could wake up. Oh, yeah. That makes my dick turn harder than before. Whatever. I close my eyes, savoring the gentle one-sided kiss and sigh, pulling back. “One day, you’ll actually be awake for that.” I grin, gently running my hand through her hair, reveling in the feel of it wrapped around my fingers.

It was such a gamble coming here to see her. What kind of sleeper would she be? Would she wake up when I came inside? I’d hoped not. She slept so soundly in my arms when I drugged her. I hoped she’d be a heavy sleeper.

My eyebrows furrow when I look at the medicine bottle resting on her nightstand. Interesting. Potent sleeping pills. Hmmm. I wonder what they taste like. Probably bitter. I shake the bottle, letting the pills rattle around and finally open it up and pour a pill into my hand.

Yup. I’ll save that for later. Anything my Little Kitten takes, I want to take, too. It’ll help me feel closer to her. Besides, how fun.

I shove the lone pill into my pocket, promising myself I'll take it later when I'm ready for bed. For now, I soak in my girl's presence, taking in everything. The sweet scent. The way she snores. It's goddamn adorable.

I drop to my knees at the side of her bed and rest my chin on her mattress. I wonder how freaked out she'd be if she found me here, sitting beside her. She'd probably scream. Loud. Fuck. I don't want to scare her away, I'm just desperate to have her in my arms again. It's almost criminal how Jericho made me give her back. She's ours, damn it. No matter what Papa Gabriel has to say about the situation or the other marriage offer he might have on the table. There’s no way we’re ever going to go for someone else. From the first time I saw my Kitten, I knew she belonged to us, and we belong to no one but Journey.

I sigh, running my fingers up and down her bare arms. I don't miss the way goosebumps pimple under my touch or the way she sighs, relaxing more into the bed.

"So, good," she moans in her sleep, slightly twitching when my fingers find their way to her breasts. I gently circle her nipples poking through her T-shirt. "Mmmm," she hums, smacking her lips together.

"You're gonna make me come in my damn pants, Kitten," I mumble, adjusting myself and pulling my hand back.

Journey shifts in her sleep, turning on her side into the fetal position. Her ass points in my direction, giving me a beautiful view. My mind turns when I slowly lift her long T-shirt and nearly swallow my tongue when she's not wearing any panties.

But that's not my mission. Using the moonlight, I check the spot on her ass cheek now a beautiful black and blue color. Oh good. Her body is sending lots of blood to heal that spot after what I put on and in there. She’ll never know the lengths I went to protect her. A giddiness takes over as I gently kiss the bruise, aiming to make it feel better. One day, she'll find out what's adorning her skin. But for now, my lips are sealed.

I could do a lot more to her while she sleeps. Fuck her. Take pictures. Anything under the sun. But I stop myself from going too far. There are limits that I don't want to cross. I want my Kitten to like me when we take her for ourselves. Not hate me or fear me because she woke up too soon.

My gaze lands on her bedroom door, fit with a large chair wedged under the doorknob. Curious. I meander over, doing one last sweep of her room before I leave for the night. Murmured voices ring out from the living room. One male and one female.

"She's… she's not for-for sale," the female voice, who must be her mother, says in a slurred voice. "She's only in high school."

"Next time," he rumbles, making a sucking sound.

My lip curls back as I finger my knife, resting in my pocket. If I carve their beating hearts from their chest, would my Kitten be angry? It's all for her, anyway. Always. I could present them in a clear case for her to see and display above the fireplace. Much like a mounted deer head. Only this would be a human heart from someone inquiring about her.

"Next-next time. Now, give me another hit."

"If that's a promise, Sable."

There aren't many things in life that set my teeth on edge. Torturing assholes? Nah. It's my favorite—a stress release. Tracking down bad guys—fucking bring it on.

But having some strange man, alluding to having fun with my Kitten. Mine. Theirs. Oh, no. That won't happen, asshat. My Kitten is all mine. Here, at least. I'll be here every night ensuring my girl is safe from the men her mom keeps around.

"Yup. A promise. You can have a taste of Journey. Not like she'll-she'll wake up," she slurs again with a sigh, no doubt reaching the high she's been aching for.

"Good," he chuckles, so menacingly my grin grows wider.

Oh, yes. Please, come back here and make my goddamn day. Jitters spread through my nerves when heavy footsteps move closer to Journey's room. Closer and closer he moves, slowly creeping.

"Stupid bitch," he huffs from right outside her bedroom door, jiggling the knob a few times and growling again.