Then, it all goes silent when the music above me starts again. It whines into a perfect tune, something so beautiful my eyes close on their own accord, and I drift off to a peaceful night's sleep to the sound of a violin located somewhere in this house of hell. It’s the only sound that truly soothes my soul amongst the chaos of bullshit.

My stomach drops through my ass and runs completely away at the sight of him standing there waiting for me. His presence dredges up long-forgotten memories I’ve locked away since he took me into that basement and forced my hand.

Much like a predator, eager to take a bite out of his prey, I see the moment he registers my fear. Probably smelling it in the air when I don’t dare to move or provoke him. His words from the first few months he held me captive ring in my mind. One of his many lessons he loves to dole out, showing me who had and has the upper hand. Always.

"We show no fear, Little Snake. Now, do what you need to do! One phone call. That's all it takes to end your sister's life!"

"I did," I reply, folding my hands in front of me and standing tall.

I swallow the fear attempting to choke me, replacing it with fake indifference. It’s what he wants to see. No fear. No emotions. It’s what he’s taught me over and over again. No fear. No weakness. No fuel to give to your enemies. Ever. He’s taught me so many things over the years, but the most important was how to be invisible.

“You see that man over there, Little Snake?” my monster discreetly asks, cornering me in the crowded restaurant filled to the brim with people in their finest attire.

The same eatery he brought me to after cleaning me up and dressing me in a fancy, sparkly dress with high heels. He painted make-up on me, dressed me up, and forced me to become his living doll. Once he was satisfied, he threw me in my own limo and gave me the address of the place I was to go. My only instructions were: stand in the corner, look pretty, but be discreet. You’re to fit in with the crowd, but keep an eye out.

I nod, eyeing the man in question, swallowing hard. The moment my eyes fall on his tall frame, I recognize him. The dark hair and eyes, focusing on what his companion is saying with little interest. There’s an air of indifference encompassing his frame, giving him the fuck-off attitude.

“You’re going to tail him tonight. I want details on everyone he talks to, what he eats, and what rooms in this establishment he visits. You’ve memorized the names I gave you?”

What else was I supposed to do in my cage to pass the time? Listen to the violin for hours on end and daydream about my escape? No. I read the twenty pages of names he gave me to memorize in the bleak light he finally allowed me to have, along with the descriptions of their appearance and their spouse's names.

Even his name and his friends.

“Yes, Sir,” I say with a nod, keeping my expression neutral.

“Good. Now, go be invisible,” he huffs, sipping his drink. As quick as he came, he swivels on his heel and leaves the area I’m stationed in, giving me time to eye the man I’m supposed to watch after tonight.

Jericho Viotto.

We walk the halls of the same high school. Or did. I’ve missed so much since I was kidnapped. When we were kids, he oddly followed me around with puppy dog eyes but backed off when he was ten. I haven’t spoken to him since. He avoids everyone, but his two friends, Arrow and Sheppard.

And now, I’m in charge of following him around this stupid party without being detected. Of course, my monster would want me to tail someone I know. It’s all about invisibility and the lesson I’ll learn doing this.

He nods several times, walking toward me like he’s the lion about to devour me.

"I want to discuss Elias." Right. My job. "Explain this to me." He waves a hand.

I lick my lips, going over what I saw last night in my mind without a second thought or question. Plus, the pictures I had already sent him when my mission was done. Technically, I was instructed to leave the party and come home, but I got a little distracted by slipping and falling on three massive dicks.

Speaking of…

I mentally curse myself when I shift my weight, and pain from my damn vagina flares, igniting my belly. I don't dare make a noise or bring his attention to my discomfort. He reads me like a damn book every time. In fact, why he’s here asking me these questions has my hackles rising. My monster is a phone call from a private number kind of man. He's far too busy to track me down and lecture me.

My monster knows it all. He’s like a fucking God hovering by the ceiling, seeing what everyone does and thinks. So, him being here can only mean bad things. Shit. Maybe he knows what I did and wants to punish me.

"I got to the party at eleven and found him standing in the corner with the woman pictured. She's from school, a senior, like me. Her name is Jenni Thomas. He left her side and went to the basement, where I followed. Then, once he was done, he came back upstairs and met up with Jenni again."

Never in my life have I seen my monster's lips curl into such a massive grin. He chuckles lowly but doesn’t dare explain.

"Go on."

"Um, they talked for a while, but it was mostly flirting, and then they went up to a bedroom on the second floor and uh…banged."

Banged? What the fuck is wrong with me? But I mean, it was the truth. My classmate and this douchebag from God knows where didn't come out of that bedroom for hours. Seriously, I watched and waited. I may have been a creeper outside the door, making sure they weren’t conspiring or some shit. It’s my job, after all. If I'm not thorough, then my ass is on the line.

"And you didn't see them leave?" he asks, raising a brow.

"They were locked in that room for a long time, Sir."