Page 200 of Twisted in Obsession

"Bigger than the one we held a month ago," Gabriel surmises, peering behind him at the crowd. "Every Viotto from California made the trip to congratulate you boys.”

Something dark twinkles in his eyes when he turns to peer at us again with a wide, deceiving smile. I've known my monster for a long time now, and he's got something devastating up his sleeve. He always has a tell when he's about to drop a major bomb or hurt someone.

"It's amazing you convinced all the cousins and uncles to come. It's unusual," Jericho says, eyeing all the people roaming around the large ballroom. “They usually come up with some sort of excuse to stay home.”

The ballroom is massive, probably able to hold over one thousand people and not be cramped. It’s decorated to perfection with crystal chandeliers and sparkly decorations everywhere. Large tables sit near the stage on the opposite end of the room, with a live jazz band softly playing their music. Several workers, who I’ve never laid eyes on before, meander through the crowds with their trays, offering the goods.

Gabriel genuinely grins. "Didn't take a lot of convincing, Son. You three are the main attraction. The heirs to the Viotto Kingdom of Briar Cove." He claps Jericho on the shoulder several times, roughly jostling his body back and forth.

To the naked eye, it would appear as if he was loving on his son. But to me, it's a clear threat of some sort. One I don't have the answer to.

"It's a good party," Arrow adds in, taking the pressure off Jericho. "It's a dream to be here, Sir."

God, what a suck-up. But who am I kidding? I do the same damn thing, but I do it so he doesn't fucking slap me around for my insubordination.

"I like to think I put on a good show," he says with a grin. "And speaking of. Are you boys ready to show the entire Viotto family your vowed wounds? It's about that time to present you as men of the family."

"Yes, Sir!" Arrow says, bouncing on his toes and clapping his hands. “Time to take these stuffy suits off.”

"It's unfortunate your father couldn't be here to witness this. One day, I’ll convince him to officially join the family," he says with fake apologies to Arrow.

"Don't worry, Sir. I'll tell him all about it." Arrow sends Gabriel a menacing grin that has shivers running down my spine.

I don't know how Gabriel looks Arrow in the eyes and doesn't see the disdain there. Hell, maybe he does. Maybe he reads him like a damn book and knows exactly what is going on.

"Of course," Gabriel says, tipping his head. "Now, move along boys. The family is eagerly awaiting your arrival on stage. You have five minutes until I announce your presence.” Gabriel makes a sweeping gesture, pointing toward the large stage on the other side of the room.

Jericho goes to reach for my hand and drags me along. God, I wish. But Gabriel servers that connection by clearing his throat, forcing us to stop.

"She'll be fine for the five minutes you boys are on stage." He raises a no-nonsense brow, attempting to send the boys on their way.

"Are you positive?" Jericho asks calmly, stepping up to his father. "She should come with us and be backstage for the on-stage celebration. It makes the most sense.”

Gabriel doesn't show an ounce of emotion when he smirks at Jericho, and my stomach drops.

"Do you not trust your father, Son?"

"Of course, I trust you," Jericho says smoothly, shoving his bloodied hand into his pocket. "But I'd like to have Journey by my side on stage. She is mine, after all. You gave me the green light for this."

"Tsk. Tsk, Son. Showing your hand so early. If you were a true man of the family, you would have walked away without a second glance back, leaving her in my care. I’m trustworthy.” Gabriel smirks as Jericho tilts his head, giving no emotions away.

"And is that what you did with Mother?" Jericho questions with a tight expression. "You left her to the animals when she needed you most? What does that say about a real man? Where’s she now, huh?"

Fuck me. Jericho has never stepped up and questioned his father directly. And today, of all fucking days, he's decided to man up and put his big boy panties on. This is going to go over so damn well.

"Those lessons every weekend must have poured out your brains and through your ears. Never have a weak spot, Son. And never show it to your enemies." He raises a brow when Jericho doesn't back down. “Never let a woman get between you and the family. Ever. It’s rule number three.”

"That’s where you’re wrong, Daddy Dearest. Journey is not my weakness. Journey is my strength," Jericho grits out, stepping up chest to chest with his father. "And you had best recognize that and the many unexpected things to come."

"Dude," Arrow murmurs, slightly pulling Jericho back. He signs something, shaking his head. He, too, loses all emotions on his face when he converses silently with Shepp and Jericho.

"That's right. Calm down, Jericho. Getting riled up will do nothing but make you fail. Now, get your fucking asses on that stage with a pretty smile and pretend everything is okay," Gabriel grits out, smoothing down his suit. "And take her the fuck with you, then. But we'll be having a word later. All of us. If you want to continue your future with Journey, then you'll obey."

Gabriel doesn't walk away when Jericho forcefully grabs my hand and pulls me to his side. "That we will," Jericho says with a deadly look.

"I count on it," Gabriel says with a grin.

"What the fuck, Jericho?" I hiss when we weave through the crowd, heading toward the lit-up stage. "Why would you do that here? Why would you provoke him? He’s obviously up to something!"