Page 197 of Twisted in Obsession

“I do love it when you're jealous, Little Chaos. Please go scratch out her eyes,” Jericho hums into his drink. “You’ll be doing us all a favor.”

“One, I'm not jealous. I'm trying to figure out what the hell is happening. Besides, she’s not interested in you three at all,” I huff, trying to regain my composure.

Am I jealous that she might be on the line for one of my guys? Um, yeah. If Jericho’s father thinks he can place her next to Arrow or Shepp, he has another thing coming. He’s taught me over the years how to cover my crimes with expertise. So, making Chloe Satin disappear would be simple.

“Oh? And you can tell?” Jericho asks, eyeing me suspiciously.

“Look at the way she and Leighton are standing near each other as their fathers talk. It’s intimate. They’re giggling and touching. They’re trying to be very discreet with their affections, but it doesn’t fool me.”

“Oh? And why doesn’t it fool you? Because this is what you did for my father?” Jericho asks, gazing at the two love birds. “Well, I’ll be. They sure are close.”

“Weird. Who’d want to be with that asswipe?” Arrow asks, tilting his head.

“Maybe Jenni wasn’t the only one with someone else on the side. If she’s promised to one of you, does she have to stay faithful?”

Jericho stiffens. “If being the key word. Normally, a husband and wife are put together for alliance reasons and heirs. My parents were paired for financial reasons in the beginning. But my father was obsessed with her and fell madly in love. Well, until she disappeared off the face of the planet. When my mother disappeared, he shut down completely, becoming this man he is.” He gestures to his father, coldly shaking hands with others and conversing. “Contracts are binding in our world, though. Once you sign the marriage certificate, you give yourself to the marriage, and the family holds you accountable for your actions. If cheating occurs, then death is imminent. It’s like turning your back on the organization.” Jericho shrugs.

“So, if she is promised to one of you three and does get married…”

“Never happening, Kitten. I’ll pull out her ovaries before I vow my life to her,” Arrow says through clenched teeth.

“Well, that’s some imagery I never wanted to have,” I grumble, pinching the bridge of my nose.

“To finish your thought, Little Chaos. If she does have to marry one of us and continues that love affair, then she’s toast. They’ll hang her out to dry in the church basement. Not that we’d touch her with a ten foot pole. I’d rather claw my own heart out. But no matter, Chloe Satin will not be ours.”

“The church basement?” I rear back.

“Oh, yeah. That’s where we were initiated with the big swords. That sword brings us into the family by blood and takes us out of the family for our sins.” Arrow rocks on his toes.

“So, yes. My father made an interesting phone call the evening we consummated our relationship at the masked party. I overheard him laying out the details with someone, mentioning her name.”

I wrinkle my nose. “Consummated? Jesus, you sound like a grandma,” I huff, sipping my champagne. If I'm going to survive this hellish night, surrounded by California’s most dangerous citizens, then I need to be drunk.

“Yes. Sealed our fates with our dicks in your pussy,” Arrow says with glee.

“Lord,” I grumble, finishing off my booze. “I need another.”

“No way, Kitten! You can't drink anymore. Our spawn could be inside you,” Arrow says, leaning down to rub his hand over my flat stomach.

“I… what the fuck?” I hiss, shoving his hand away. “Would you stop with the baby stuff? I can't…”

“I removed it,” Arrow beams with pride, pulling out his phone. “I hung it in my lair in the basement. It's framed and everything.” The phone dangles in front of my face, and I swear I get tunnel vision when my fucking IUD rests in a fucking picture frame with my name labeling it.

Journey’s IUD.

“And you let him fuck you over and over while torturing me,” Jericho murmurs. “I married you without permission. He removed your IUD after drugging you. Who's the bad guy now?”

“Both of you!” I shout, drawing more eyes our way. I heave a breath, stepping back. “I swear to God, the big man upstairs is just laughing down at me. You… you! Seriously? That's violating! And drugged? Again?” I shriek in hysterics, attempting to take a step back.

“Calm down now, Little Chaos. You'll bring monsters upon us,” Jericho says, reaching out to bring me into his chest. “We’re not good men. We’ll never pretend to be. We’ve stalked you for years, ensuring your safety. You can scream at us later. Maybe torture us a little more. Can I nominate Arrow for the chair this time instead?”

“I hate both of you. Only Shepp is saved,” I grumble into his hard chest and take a deep breath.

Now is not the time to lose my shit over what they’ve done. I need to focus on this room and the present. Not the future or past. But fuck. What if I am pregnant? We’ve done a lot of humping in the last few days. There’s no way, right? It just came out. There can’t be a possibility. Not to mention the left over hormones and what not.

“Ohhh, I'm not a ladies expert. But saying calm down, is never a good idea,” Arrow says, cringing when I push out of Jericho’s hold and scowl at both of them.

“Shepp,” I say, slumping my shoulders. “It's just you and me now. I'm disowning them,” I say with a pout, earning a small smile. He pulls me into his chest without protest and cradles me there, gently rocking us back and forth.