Page 196 of Twisted in Obsession

“Yes, Daddy Jer,” Arrow quips, moving out of reach when Jericho takes a swipe at him.

“Swear to hell, Arrow. One day I'll catch you and you'll pay for your daddy comments,” Jericho huffs, taking a sip from his wine glass.

“He has a boner, don't let him fool you,” Arrow quips, snickering behind his hand.

“Later,” Jericho growls, shaking his head.

Arrow winks at me again, humming to himself. “Gotten off yet, Daddy Jer?”

Jericho's jaw tics. “I feel like I've been a very good boy.” He smirks into his drink, sucking down more booze. “Fuck,” he chokes, covering his mouth with his hand.

“Is that?” Arrow narrows his eyes.

“Chloe fucking Satin. Of course, my father invited her. She's on the line for something. You? Me? Who the fuck knows.” Jericho discreetly wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, watching the woman across the way closely.

“One of us?” Arrow grits through clenched teeth. “Ain’t no way.”

“It's a theory,” Jericho hums. “You remember the phone call I overheard before we claimed our girl?”

My cheeks heat when his eyes find mine, and he smiles again. “This is a claiming.” His words ring in my mind when I drunkenly stumbled into his club with Jenni, and we danced the night away.

“Oh, yeah,” Arrow says, shaking his head. “It can’t be you, though, right? That doesn’t make any sense. You have Journey. We’d technically be up for grabs, even though I’ve told your father I’m living the celibate life for the rest of my life. No wife for me.”

“Liar,” I hiss, elbowing him.

“Well, he doesn’t have to know I have a wife,” Arrow scoffs. “You may not have my last name, but you’ll wear my handprint right on your ass.” He taps my ass again, chuckling when I sigh in defeat. “Or my toy in your ass. Either way, it shows ownership: Arrow was here.”

“You’re incorrigible,” I grumble, looking toward the ceiling.

“You love it,” Arrow says, throwing his arm over my shoulders. “And me. And my dick. And my tongue. And my toys. I could go on…” he trails off.

“Something like that,” I say, tapping his hand as it reaches around toward my tits. “No touchy in public.”

“You’re just no fun tonight, Kitten. Don’t worry, I’ll loosen you all up when we get home.”

Yeah, I don’t doubt that. But we have to survive the night, first.

Shepp taps Jericho’s shoulder and quickly signs something.

“You’re right,” Jericho says, shaking his head. “He says we all need to be careful. If Chloe is on the hook for us as one of our intended, then we need to keep an eye on Journey. If my father is going to pull anything, it would be right here. Under all our noses.”

“I'll tear her black heart out before I let her touch me,” Arrow huffs with red tinting his cheeks.

“What exactly is happening?” I murmur, surveying the room and eyeing the girl in question.

Long blonde locks, light blue eyes, and a pretty smile lighting up the room. She looks tall and lean, standing beside a massive man, sucking down a glass of amber liquid. Then, there’s Leighton. He beams beside her with his shoulders touching hers. Every once in a while, her hand touches him as she laughs. Like, truly laughs. She’s not just pretending to enjoy his company. She really likes him. And by the dopey look in his eyes, he’s feeling the same.

“Chloe Satin, heiress to Satin Firearms. My father has been in cahoots with hers for years now, investing in his company. In return, Mr. Satin provides our weaponry and other things my father hasn’t specified.”

I blink several times at the amount of information rolling out of his mouth and trying to process it all. A weird spark ignites inside me when I tighten my grip around my champagne glass. I’m unable to peel my eyes away from her as she giggles again into her hand and lays her head on his shoulder. But her eyes find Jericho, and they narrow slightly. I don’t think the boys notice when she whispers something to Leighton, and he smirks in response.

They’re planning something.


My hackles rise, watching them intently and storing everything they do inside my brain. That’s what I’ve been trained for these past three years. Taking notice of the people around me, while blending in and not drawing attention to myself.

“So, what's she got to do with it all?” I question.