Page 177 of Twisted in Obsession

My eyes roll into the back of my head when he leans over me, pressing his chest to my back.

“Stop trying to get her to run away. She wants my cock. Don’t you, Kitten,” he murmurs into my ear, gently thrusting into me over and over.

“Yes,” I breathe.

My anger flys out the door when he picks up the speed, quickly fucking me into the damn rock and probably scratching up my nipples. Rock burn is definitely in my future. But I don’t give a shit. I stayed here like a good girl, barely able to breathe without the thought of dying. It’s a relief I’m alive, not stabbed, and getting railed. Fucking finally!

I cry out when orgasm number one roars through me, clamping down on his cock and trying to hold him there.

“Fucking hell, Journey,” he grunts several times, pounding into me until he stops. “Fuck yes,” he hisses on a groan, stiffening against me out of breath. “Oh, I came like I haven’t come in years. And I’m staying just like this until all my little swimmers are inside. Not a drop will leave your gorgeous pussy.”

I rest my forehead against the hard rock, trying to ignore the massive blood stains we just fucked on. I heave a breath when his fingers gently work my hips, giving me the best massage. Yet, he doesn’t pull out.

I blow out a breath. “This rock hurts, Arrow.”

Jericho smirks, folding his arms over his chest. “You heard the woman. The rock hurts. Now, release her before she stabs you again.”

Well, that was the wrong thing to say. His dick hardens inside me again until he pulls out, pouting.

“Fine,” he mumbles. “But we’ll have to come back out here and play again.”

“Play,” I sputter, when the metal handcuffs release from my wrists, and I flop on my back, unable to move. “This was not playing.” I scowl when he appears above my face with one of his signature grins.

“It was for me, Kitten. This is all I pictured for days. Tying you up and having you at my mercy. Next time, I won’t take so long.” He side-eyes Jericho. “I got a bit distracted,” he huffs, leaning down to kiss my lips, eagerly shoving his tongue in my mouth over and over again. Well, until someone slaps him on the back of the head.

“Come on now,” Jericho says with a sigh. “We need to get you cleaned up, Little Chaos. We have visitors coming over.”

“And Jericho has some fun information he’d like to share with you,” Arrow quips, slowly climbing off me. “We’ll continue playing later, Kitten.” He winks, grabbing all his shit he left on the rock and waiting with puppy dog eyes for me to come, too.

“Fun information?” I mumble, squeezing my eyes shut when I finally sit up. A dizzy spell takes me over, and I groan, rubbing my temples. I think I was in the same position for way too long. My muscles hurt.

“Up you go, Little Chaos,” Jericho murmurs, scooping me into his arms bridal style. “We have a lot to talk about before our guests arrive.”

“What the fuck did you just say?” I shout, blinking rapidly at the three men standing before me as I towel off my wet hair in our bedroom.

After the three idiots marched me into the bathroom so I could wash off the sweat and blood I had accumulated in the lion's den, Jericho dropped the world's biggest bomb on me. I knew their not insisting on washing my back was a huge red flag of epic proportions.

The moment I walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a luxurious fluffy robe with feelings of finally being relaxed, they told me I was hitched.

But I'd remember walking down the aisle, right? Wrong. Because I didn’t walk down the aisle. Not even the night those assholes drugged me and tucked me in at home after fucking me senseless. I’m beginning to think I’m in way over my head with these lunatics.

“We’re married,” Jericho says, shrugging a shoulder with zero remorse.

Zero! He doesn’t think this is a strange thing to do? This is fucking wild.

“I think I would remember getting fucking married!” I shout again, throwing my towel at him.

He doesn’t flinch when it hits him in the face and drops to the floor in a wet heap.

“Well, you weren’t exactly present for the signing of the papers.” He shoves his hands into his pockets, sending me that signature cocky smirk, essentially telling me to buck up and take what he’s done with a smile. Fat fucking chance, asshole. “But I did have your signature to sign your name. It was easy.”

“I’m going to kill you,” I grunt, marching toward him with intent. “I'm going to fucking bury you!”

“Oh, I'll help,” Arrow so helpfully pipes in with a grin, glaring in Jericho’s direction.

Oh, fun. At least I have Arrow on my side in the murder of the mafia heir. Down with Jericho. Feed him to the lions, instead.

I want to stab him in the throat and rip it out with my bare hands over and over again until he understands what he just did to me without my permission. This is worse than being tied to a fucking rock with a knife in my pussy. This is a lifelong commitment.