Page 176 of Twisted in Obsession

Every muscle in my body trembles from holding this position for way too long. Thank God for the kegel exercises I've done over the years. Or I’d be fucked right now.

“If he ever comes back, I'm taking this knife out of my vagina, and I'm going to stab him in the neck!” I huff quietly to myself, despite the urge to shout into the void.

I can't be too loud. He left me with his lions. They love him. Me, though? I have no clue. They were fine with me when I was with Arrow. But alone? I'm sure they'd rip through me in a matter of seconds.

How humiliating. I'm going to die by lions with a knife sticking out of my cooter.


My eyes track the sun again. I swear, it skipped through the sky from one side of the earth to the other, leaving me in this position for at least two hours. Or maybe I'm exaggerating. There's no way he forgot me, right?

I can't believe I trusted this mother fucker. He left me chained in his goddamn lion's den with a knife in my pussy. If I move from this position, the sharp knife will stab me in the goddamn leg.

A bang happens in the distance, and I pray to whoever above that it's not the lions getting closer to me.

“I told you to watch him!”

My ears perk up at the sound of Jericho's rage-filled voice, shouting somewhere in the distance. The tightening in my chest eases, and a faint sense of happiness overcomes me. Ah, sweet relief. My rescuers have finally made it. Took them long enough, though. Sheesh. How long did it take them to realize I was missing this time? An hour? Two?

More relief slams into me when Jericho barks another order. Don’t tell him, but I’m fucking ecstatic to hear his voice.

For once, it's not aimed at me. Secretly, though, I love it when he bosses me around. But right now? Yeah, I need a damn savior. I'm so fucking overjoyed, a tear trickles down my cheek with relief.

I'm horny. Locked to a rock. Have a knife in my vag. And I'm out for blood.

“Do not touch her,” Arrow growls, running forward at full speed, only stopping when he's standing in front of me. His eyes trace my bent over body until they land on the knife, and he grins. “You were such a sport, Kitten. I’m sorry I got caught up when Jer got home. I didn’t mean to be gone for so long.” He runs a finger through my hair, removing it from my eye. “Forgive me?” he questions, rubbing my cheek with sincerity.

I swear those gray eyes soften when mine narrow. “If you get it out of me,” I hiss, pulling at my restraints again.

He grins in response, petting me another time. “Just give me a second, Kitten. Then, I’ll fuck you, okay? I even brought more dick.” His brows wiggle when he takes a step back, displaying the camera hanging around his neck.

Jericho and Shepp stop dead, their eyes widening at the scene before then.

“Not until I take a picture,” Arrow says, not bothering to turn around and face them. I wish he would, though. Their faces are priceless. Something I’ve never seen from them. Shock. Awe. Wonderment. “God, Kitten. You look absolutely divine like this. Tied up. Weapon in your pussy. Blood leaking down your legs. All that's missing is our cum coating your skin. Fuck,” he gasps, biting his fist. “Now, smile.” He grins, holding his Polaroid up and snaps a picture. “Hold still,” he demands.

“Yeah, I don't think I'm going anywhere!” I hiss, pulling at the chain holding me captive. “Get this out of me!”

Jericho's jaw tightens, and his lips thin. “What exactly was your plan?”

Oh, great. Ignore me! I’m the person you’re supposed to save. Instead, he’s staring at me with lust dripping from his eyes and a goddamn hard on pressing against his zipper. Great. This is wonderful. I’m going to be stuck on this rock for the foreseeable future, not being rescued. Fucked, maybe.

Arrow snorts, taking another picture. “I wanted to give Sheppy boy another spank bank image to paint for us.” He wiggles his eyebrows at me when he snaps another picture and another, taking the instant photos from the slot and shaking them around with glee.

“For art. I see,” Jericho says, sauntering forward. “My poor, Little Chaos,” he hums, running a finger over my tear-stained cheek. “You've really done a number on her, Arrow.”

By now, my tears have retracted, and fury races through me. My fingers curl into fists when I try the chain again.

“Don’t let her tears fool you. She voluntarily got up there and let me lock her up.”

I don’t bother retorting when the handle of the knife moves inside me slightly, and I gasp, leaning into the pressure. Why? Because it feels so damn good when he slowly moves it in and out of me, hitting every heightened nerve.

“See?” Arrow hums, slowly removing it from me. “Fucking hell,” he groans, setting everything in his hands down on another rock. “Stay like that, Kitten,” he murmurs, running his hand over my butt cheeks and thighs, gently massaging me. “I’m going to fuck you. Then, I’m going to lavish you with gifts.”

Jericho shakes his head, bending down until he’s eye level with me. “I’m almost positive you are the only person who can tell him no, and he’ll listen. Do you want him to continue this?” he questions, gesturing to the sound of Arrow losing his clothes and climbing up behind me.

I could make him stop. Tell him no and to untie me. But where’s the fun in that? I’ve come this far for this long, why not get the reward he promised me. Fuck. My pussy pulsates, eager to receive his massive dick gently working through my wet pussy lips.

“Orgasms. He owes me so many,” I groan when he slides inside me without warming up.