Page 173 of Twisted in Obsession

“Lie down on the rock,” he demands again, gesturing to it. “Please.”

When a psycho says please, you know you're in for it. Shit.

“Is this because I stabbed you? I literally thought you were trying to murder me or something,” I say, stammering through my words. “It healed, right? You're fine?”

He snorts, turning toward me. His fingers run over my jaw, softly tracing down my face. There's so much love in his eyes, my breath evades me.

“Kitten, you can stab me all day long, and I'd never punish you for it. Leave me? I'll track you down. Tie me up? I'll beg for more,” he murmurs, leaning in, and presses his lips to mine. “Please lie down on the rock. I want to fuck you into oblivion while you're at my mercy.”

“Fuck me here?” I whisper.

“Fuck you here,” he confirms with a sharp nod. “It's something I've been fantasizing about.” He taps the side of his head a few times. “And I want it to live rent free in my mind for years to come.”

Looking into his light gray eyes, I note the desperation there. Lust dilates them. And for some crazy, out of this world reason, I fucking trust him.

“Okay,” I say, turning toward the rock. “But if they eat me, I'll come back to haunt you.”

He grins. “If you ever die, Kitten. I'm burying myself alive with your dead body.”

“And they say romance is dead,” I murmur, stepping up to the flat rusty-looking rock with blood stains on the surface. “Arrow?”

“Hmm?” he hums, stepping closer to me as I climb onto the flat rock. I hiss when it digs into my bare knees, but I ignore the pain and my mind telling me to flee.

Trust in the crazy man. Trust in this process.

“How many people have died here?” I ask, swallowing hard when he guides me so I'm lying flat on my back. The warm rock, which has roasted under the May sun, burns against my skin.

Arrow cocks his head above mine with a blank expression, contemplating my question. Do I really want to get fucked where someone else has died? Not particularly. But it's going to happen whether I like it or not.

“If I told you they were bad people, would you think better of me?” he asks in a slightly vulnerable state.

I nibble my bottom lip. “I'm no angel, either,” I whisper, looking into his eyes.

“You're my angel, Kitten,” he says softly, leaning down to kiss my cheek. “No matter what you've done in your life. I'll accept you.”

“You'll accept me?” I've killed people, because I've had no choice. I was an extension of my monster, doling out the punishments he saw fit.

“Always,” he says, rubbing his fingers over every inch of my face, tracing the small freckles dotting my cheeks and the worry lines on my forehead. I swallow hard. “There's a darkness inside me…” I trail off, squeezing my eyes shut when his palms encase my cheeks, and his forehead pressed against mine.

“We all have a darkness staining our souls, Kitten. You think there's any light in me?”

Arrow almost looks devastated that he doesn't think a light shines inside him. Like he's come to terms with it and won't take any other answers.

But I've seen the light in him. I've seen the depravity. The destruction he can cause. But there's more to Arrow than mayhem. There's good in there. A light that doesn't come forward very often.

“Yes. There's light inside you. I see it in your eyes.” I peel my eyes open, staring into the depths of his eyes.

He smiles warmly. “I was born this way, Kitten. There's always been darkness writhing inside and begging to come free and murder everyone in my sights. Control is my best friend. Something I've only managed to figure out recently.”

“How?” I ask, as he raises my arms above my head, locking me in place as warm metal slides over my wrists and keeps me there.

Breathe. You can't escape. It's fine. Everything is absolutely okay.

“By ridding the streets of the bad guys. There's people out there who come to me on Wednesday nights, begging me to rid the world of the pedophiles, murderers, child abusers, and everything evil under the sun. You helped me find that,” he murmurs, brushing his lips against mine.

“I did? How?”

He grins, pulling away slightly, letting his hands work over my chest and down to my abdomen.