Page 170 of Twisted in Obsession

“You're thinking about my cock up your ass, aren't you?” He chuckles, weaving his fingers with mine. “Come forth, Kitten. Let's eat, get you some ibuprofen, and then we'll go on an adventure. And don't worry, no buttholes will be harmed today.”

I wrinkle my nose when he pulls me forward and out of the bathroom.

“That's not really a promising thing to say,” I gripe, following behind him as he drags me through the house.

“I always keep my promises, Kitten.” He looks over his shoulder at me with a grin when we enter the kitchen.

The amazing aromas of Shepp's cooking fill my nose when he turns to greet us. A bright smile lights up his face when he takes me in and nods in greeting.

Arrow pulls me onto a stool, situating us at the counter. Without me asking, Shepp sets a plate of chocolate glazed donuts, freshly made, right in front of my face.

“Thanks,” I say, my stomach rumbling.

He nods his head again and then signs something to Arrow.

“He wants to know how your butthole feels today… Ouch!” Arrow hisses, rubbing the back of his head with a frown.

Shepp signs something else with aggression. His face twists until Arrow sighs.

“Fine. He wants to know how you're feeling today. Which includes your butthole.” Arrow grins when Shepp flips him off.

I giggle. “Um, yup. Everything is fine today. Just a little confused about what happened last night.”

Seriously. It's weird. I only took like five sips of my wine. I vaguely remember Arrow telling me I'd be okay. And then, it's blank. Like a piece of my night was chipped from my memory.

Arrow chuckles. “Just too much wine for you, Kitten.”

Shepp rolls his eyes when he grabs a donut and shoves it into his mouth.

“Right. Too much wine,” I say, narrowing my eyes.

Is it just me? Or are these two being awfully fucking suspicious? What did they do? Drug me? I stiffen. There's no fucking way in hell.

“Sheppy Boy, grab our girl some painkillers,” Arrow demands, pointing to a cabinet a few steps away from him.

Shepp's chewing slows when he looks at me with concern.

“Just cramps,” I grit, side-eyeing Arrow and his loud mouth.

Shepp nods a few times, holding up a finger as he turns and grabs some medicine from the cabinet. He hands the bottle to me and then a tall glass of iced coffee—one of my favorites.

“Thanks,” I say, taking the medicine in one gulp and setting my glass down.

“Okay, Kitten. You've eaten and taken your meds. Now, let's go on an adventure.” Arrow grabs my hand without making sure I'm done and pulls me off the stool. “Don't wait up, Mom! We'll be back… Maybe.” Arrow grins at Shepp, and I wave goodbye.

Looks like I'm at the mercy of Arrow today.

“A golf cart?” I ask timidly, climbing into the seat.

“Jericho’s dad built this place. Did you know that? There's like a hundred acres here. Maybe more,” he rambles, starting the golf cart up and then pressing the accelerator.

“No,” I say with suspicion, taking in the path we follow, giving me glimpses of the night I ran through the woods with my heart in my throat. “Why did he build this place when he has that tower downtown?” I ask, watching the greenery pass by in a small blur.

“He had a heart once. He loved a woman, and then she disappeared. He’s been looking for her for years now but always comes up empty. I think she wanted as far away from him as she could run. Or we think she was killed by the enemy, but we’re not really sure. He built this place for her. She loved animals and basically had her own zoo here. It’s been pretty overrun now, but there’s one space I’ve kept up with.”

“Your lions?”

He grins. “Max and Nova were birthday presents from Jer’s father. I think I was ten. I never thought I could have a heart,” he says with a frown, staring straight forward. “Until them. He gave me something to cherish, and I do.” He nibbles his lip the moment a large enclosure comes into view, fit with tall fencing that goes on for what seems like miles.