Page 161 of Twisted in Obsession

Come to think of it, I've only had donuts today.

Jericho rubs his temple. “I have a phone call to make.”

Worry encases my skin at the look on his face. Stress radiates off him when his eyes find mine, and he gives me a gentle smile. So, unlike him.

Shepp quickly signs something to Jericho, eyeing me the whole time. I wish I could shout for him to use his voice with his best friends, but that doesn’t seem to be something he’s able to do right now. For some reason, he locks up when they’re in the room. Like he’s afraid they’ll judge him for being silent for so long.

“He wants to know if you’ve got everything you need. He refuses to leave until he knows.” Jericho turns to look at me with furrowed brows like he knows something happened between the two of us.

It was obvious, though, wasn’t it? We fucked. He talked. Good times.

“Just because you two did the nasty doesn’t mean you have to show off,” Arrow grumbles, tossing me the bag of Reese’s. “Eat your chocolate, like a good Kitten.”

“Yeah, I got everything,” I say, locking eyes with Shepp.

“Good, now. Let’s go. My cousin Olivia is awaiting my phone call,” he says, obviously not excited that he needs to speak with her.

I pace my office with Shepp lingering by the door, watching me with narrowed eyes.

“I'll be fine.”

Shepp rolls his eyes at me. ‘Your worry is showing. You're pacing,’ he signs.

I wave a hand. “I'm not worried.”

False. I am extremely worried. Anxious, more like it. It's eating away at me. And apparently, bleeding out of me in a telling way. Usually, I have more control than this. I've prided myself on being cool, calm, and collected in the most intense moments. Right now, though? That's been thrown out the window.

When it comes to Journey West, my control slips. Especially when it comes to the skeletons hiding in her very compact closet.

She's full of mysteries. I'm desperate to dismantle the solid wall around her, brick by brick, until I know everything about her.

No stone will go unturned.

‘Fine. Then, call Olivia back,’ he signs, nodding his head toward my phone sitting on my desk.


I grunt my answer, swiping my phone off the desk and press her contact information and put it on speaker. As Arrow and Journey shopped for hygiene products, my cousin sent me an urgent-sounding text.


Call me ASAP.

So telling. Not.

The only discussion she and I have to complete is the one we started before. Journey and her past.

Hopefully, she has the answers.

“Jericho Viotto,” she says, picking up right away.

“Are you wired?” I quip, continuing my pacing through my office.

“I am a secret agent,” she quips, the sounds of dishes and a baby babbling echoing in the background. “But the answer is no. I'm not wired. But I do have some interesting things to discuss with you.”

“Do tell,” I say, taking a deep breath.

My cousin has a unique way of getting under my skin. Maybe it's because we grew up together like brother and sister. Well, until my father sent her family away in exile to the enemy. But that's neither here nor there. Olivia is my blood. I guess that’s why she's also insanely annoying at times.