"What is it?" Jericho asks with tension in his tone.
Measured steps stop beside me as Shepp approaches the conversation and signs something.
Arrow takes a large breath, looking between all of us. "Brandon has been looking through the tapes at Rave every night since that lady went missing. Seems we have a suspect in the case of our missing patrons. Finally caught the bitch on camera," he says through clenched teeth.
"Does it have to do with that Carolyn girl?" I ask, pointing to the paper.
Arrow snatches the paper from Jericho's side of the table, reading it quickly. "Well, she's one of them." He shakes his head, staring at Carolyn’s picture. “Whoever it is, I’m going to stab them through the eyes and keep them as trophies.” He grits his teeth hard, forming a tic in his jaw.
Shepp signs something to Arrow that has him rolling his eyes and flipping him off. Shepp signs something else with a serious expression.
“I’ll chill when the cops stop showing up at our fucking club,” Arrow chides with a frown.
"A suspect? Really?" Jericho hums. "Oh, goody. I do enjoy a hunt," he says, darting his gaze to me as I shiver.
"Then, we need to go. Brandon has it on the security tapes right now. Let's go get this bitch. I'm tired of innocent people going missing from all over town," Arrow growls, jumping from his seat with renewed excitement. Or maybe it's anger. Sometimes, it's hard to place his emotions.
"So more than just her?" I raise a brow when three sets of eyes land on me.
"No need to worry your pretty little head off, Kitten. No one is taking you." He grins.
"Except you three," I mumble, finally digging into the chocolate donut.
"We're the only ones who can hunt you down, claim you, and kidnap you," Jericho states nonchalantly while buttoning his white dress shirt.
"Yeah, what he said! You're ours," Arrow says, bouncing on his toes next to the table. "I want to rip into whoever is taking these girls." His hands rub together like he's plotting their downfall.
"You good with staying?" Jericho asks, turning to Shepp with his brows raised.
Shepp nods, signing something really quickly. Making me wish I knew how to read sign language. One day, I'll know how. Maybe by then, though, he'll speak to them like he spoke to me. I'm convinced there's something else there. And now I know why he doesn't speak. It's not that he doesn't have a voice. But his monster cut out his tongue. What I’ve gone through is nothing compared to what he had to endure. Someone deliberately took away his ability to speak. And for what?
"Make sure she's a good girl. Tie her up if you must," Jericho quips with a scary grin.
"You'd like that too much," I huff, shoving my donut into my mouth so I don't say anything else.
No. I don't have any plans of escaping any time soon. I'm fed, have a bed, I'm kept warm, and this is where I'm supposed to be, anyway. Not that I want to be. But my monster has me bent over the damn table with no lube. I have no choice. Not only that, these three psychos will track me down and bring me back kicking and screaming. So, I guess the decision has been made for me.
Much to my utter delight.
"Oh, I would, Little Chaos. I'd tie you to my bed with your ass in the air. Oh, the dirty things I could do to you, and you'd be at my mercy." His gravelly voice has no right to make my pussy contract and beg for it. He's illegal.
That's all there is to it. Jericho Viotto has to go. Because I shouldn't feel like this for the man who hunted me down, cut my clothes off, and fucked me until I was too tired to care.
But I do. He gets me feeling all tingly when he looks at me.
And I'm screwed.
Once Jericho and Arrow leave the house, a hush falls between Shepp and me. He keeps his back turned as he puts the homemade donuts into a container and stores them for later.
For years, I've known of the Devils. We went to school together. But I didn't really know them that well. They had bodyguards following them everywhere in the halls, shielding them away from anyone else. I was always curious. Everyone was. We knew who Jericho's dad was. What he did. Or, had a slight idea.
Then, they graduated. That was that. I didn't really think of them again. Well, until recently, when they decided to rule my life.
Sunny’s letters sit like lead in my hands. I need to find somewhere safe to store them. I'll never part from them again. I take one last bite of my donut and shove the letters into my sweatpants pocket. Thankfully, when Jericho dressed me last night, he put me in something comfortable.
Shepp busies himself around the kitchen, cleaning the countertops and putting dishes away.
I wonder if he's the one who cleans this massive house or if they have a maid? Seems like something they'd have. They're the mafia, after all. Rich beyond belief. I've never seen them spend money. But you don't have a disposable income and have a car covered in the garage.