Page 139 of Twisted in Obsession

But I’m tired of hanging on to secrets that aren’t really mine to keep.

I need help. And he may be the son of my monster. But he’s nothing like him. Not truly. He’s better.

“My mother sold me to a monster.” The words leave my tongue like poison pushing through, knowing it’s not supposed to be there, but it is.

Jericho’s arms squeeze around me once in acknowledgement. His fingers draw tiny circles on my flesh, soothing me more as I melt into him.

“And these are…?” he trails off, tracing over the scars cut into my flesh by a man who wanted me so broken that he was the only one I would see as my way out.

I knew a long time ago he wasn’t. But he’s held Sunshine’s health over my head for so long. I’m just so fucking tired of fighting by myself to get through this. If I have to open up, then I will. Besides, I think these three would understand my pain the best.

“From him,” I whisper, but I don’t elaborate just yet.

“I’ll fucking kill him!” Arrow shouts.

“No rash moves,” Jericho hisses at him, keeping me close. His breaths fall over my flesh when he gently kisses my neck. “I, too, have a monster in my life,” he whispers directly in my ear. “Something I think we may share.”

I nod, rolling my lips together.

“My mother left me with my monster. So, it looks like we have more in common than we thought, huh?” Emotions spike in his voice when he buries his face in my neck. “Don’t worry, Little Chaos. One day, those monsters will be slayed. I’ll make sure of it.” His words come out through angry pants, promising me the one thing I’ve always wanted—my monster dead.

“Your father has my sister,” I whisper, wishing the tear that streamed down my cheek would fuck off and cease to exist.

Jericho stiffens. “Then we’ll get her back, too,” he promises. Not asking the question I know he wants answered. “I never had a sister. It was always just me at his mercy until Arrow joined the family…”

“My father thought I was too fucking out of my mind,” Arrow chuckles darkly. “Maybe I was. But who wouldn’t want a dead squirrel as a present? Ungrateful bastard,” he huffs under his breath. “But then I came here…” his words trail off, too, with a grunt.

When I finally peel my eyes open, finally facing the secrets I’ve revealed, I see them all in vivid color. Like we had been living in a superficial black and white world with brick walls so tall, we couldn’t see the real issues at hand. Unfiltered pain rests in their eyes as they look back at me. When I swivel to stare up at Jericho, he gives me a small smirk—much to my annoyance—and confirms what I’ve been thinking.

Shepp clicks his rings, bringing our attention to him. He quickly signs something.

“He says he had a monster, too. And…” Jericho sucks in a surprised breath and then blows it out. “Who cut out his tongue as punishment. See? We’ve all got dragons to slay. Okay, that’s enough secrets for today,” he murmurs, kissing my cheek once again. "Let's go get cleaned up," Jericho says in a gentle voice, lifting me off the ground.

As Jericho gently wraps me in his arms and steadies my body, shame instantly hits me. I’ve promised myself I wouldn’t share my secrets with anyone. Especially them. But here I am, revealing more things than I wanted. It’s like they took over my mouth and forced the words from my lips.

They brainwashed me through sex, and I fell for it. They wanted my secrets, and I gave them to the guys on a silver platter.

But I don’t have time to dwell on the matter. I need to keep my chin up and keep living. For Sunshine. For myself. Maybe they can help me with this situation and free me from the grasp of my monster.

I sigh into Jericho’s neck, burying my face there. I can’t tell which way is up and which way is down. My head is a muddled mess of bullshit as I run through what was said. Do I trust them with this? With my sister?

I guess I’ll have to now.

I can’t unsay words. They’re forever in the universe.

Forever with the Devils.

His strong arms hold me tight as Arrow and Shepp follow behind us with mud caking their knees and thighs from our roll on the ground. Arrow grins at me when I peek at him. But it's tamer now. It's more subdued, and the crazy look in his eye is completely gone. I shudder when Jericho takes me in through the kitchen door, and we all head toward the bedroom they've deemed as ours.

As soon as we march through the threshold of the bathroom, someone starts the water. But I haven't a clue who. Heat and steam fill the air as the shower starts.

"You're going to have to open your eyes for this, Little Chaos," Jericho murmurs, running a finger down my cheek and over my jaw when he sets me on my feet.

"Can't," I mumble, pressing my forehead against his bare chest.

“Hmm. I bet I can get those beautiful green eyes to look at me,” he whispers with confidence, making shivers run down my spine.

Exhaustion sweeps through me, ready to take me to dreamland. My limbs buzz, and my ears ring. Well, until a finger presses at my clit, turning small circles.