Page 133 of Twisted in Obsession

I swallow hard when I notice he's strong enough to hang onto me with one hand, letting the other one caress my cheek.

"Maybe we should blindfold her again?"

My stomach pinches when Arrow pipes in with his suggestion. His fingers play with the knife handle with curiosity.

Not anger.

"Fuck,” I breathe, staring between the two of them until another silent figure hovers above us. A stretch of silence settles between us. “No! No fucking way!” I hiss, thrashing my head from side to side.

Again. Fucking again. These assholes. I refuse to believe I lost myself to Jericho, Arrow, and Sheppard that night at the party. But it’s hard to deny the fact when the same masks look down at me now.

"We had fun, didn't we?" Jericho hums, tracing the edge of my lips with his gloved fingers. "You blindfolded and us with our masks fucking you until the sun came up. You were the best. And the only pussy I'll ever touch again.”

Static fills my ears. Memories rush through my brain from the night my freedom rang, and I took back my fucking life.

They don’t give me a second to ask questions or respond.

"Then I drugged you. Sorry, not sorry. But we got you home," Arrow says with nonchalance, shrugging a shoulder. “Made sure you were tucked in nice and tight.”

"You... You…" I stammer through a heavy tongue, and my head spins. “You drugged me?” I ask, staring up at Arrow, who hovers to the side of me.

“Sorry, Kitten.” But he doesn't sound the least bit sorry that he did that to me.

My mouth opens to retort, but I don’t have a chance when Jericho shoves his fingers into my mouth and then back out again. Doing it three times until his long fingers touch the back of my throat. I cough, sputtering against him when he wraps his fingers right over my jaw with possession.

"Us. Yes." He cocks his head, examining me with dark eyes peeking through his mask. "We danced, Little Chaos. Then, we took you upstairs and fucked you into oblivion like we always wanted to do. That's the night you became ours," he grits out, squeezing my jaw between his powerful fingers. “And this is the night you'll remember who you belong to. Have I scared you into being a good, obedient girl yet?”

“I think we need to fuck her so she understands,” Arrow says with glee, bouncing on his toes and making the knife wiggle in his chest.

The memory of our night together in the bedroom at that party, when freedom clung on to me so hard and pushed me into their arms, plays through my mind. I let three men take my virginity without ever knowing their identities. And now, they're revealing themselves to me one by one.

The rain around us lessens as the storm blows overhead, giving me a clear view of the twinkling stars and the bright moon. Shining down on the three men who slowly remove their masks and set them aside, revealing Jericho on top of me, Arrow to my left with the knife hanging out of his chest, and Shepp to my right.

"You see, Little Chaos. We weren't strangers at all." Jericho shifts us around so my legs fall open, and he settles between them, resting his hard dick against my core. "You belong to us. When I entered you for the first time, I knew I'd keep you forever. And that's what I intend on doing."

"But you were a very bad girl tonight, Kitten." Arrow frowns at the knife still hanging from his chest.

Between the adrenaline dump of being chased through the woods and the man in the house who—holy fucking shit.

My eyes snap to Shepp. He stares down at me with a softer expression. His face displays every emotion he possesses. There's a silent plea there. Something I'll unpack later when he and I have a discussion.

So, I listen.

Arrow grins, playing with the knife. "Don’t worry, It's not that deep, Kitten. Besides, stabbings get me so horny." He nods to the obvious boner tenting his tight jeans.

I swallow hard, staring at it for too long. Between the knife sticking out of his chest and the boner poking through, I can't keep myself from staring.

I shake my head, settling in the mud beneath me. Jericho stares at me intently, like a puzzle he's trying to complete.

"You left the house," Jericho says in an oddly calm tone. "I gave you instructions to stay, and you ran off, violating the contract you signed. I could send you to prison. Not to mention, you stole my car," he growls with possession, baring his teeth at me.

"Like I've said before. I'm not a dog," I grit out. "Besides, I wanted to go home and find my shit. Your car was the only thing to get me there." Bitterness courses through me at the thought of all my things. "You took important things from me, too!" I shout, attempting to push from his hold on my jaw. “My whole life is gone!”

But those long, strong fingers don't relent when he blinks at me. His dark, wet hair plasters to his forehead, giving him a boyish look. One I thought I'd never see.

"Important things to you, huh?" he asks, tilting his head. A grin spreads across his lips, giving me an uneasy feeling in my guts. I'm at their damn mercy. "Tell me what they were, and maybe I'll give them back."

He's goading me into answering him. I can see it in his eyes. Like the letters Shepp took but never gave back.