I crane my neck when his fingers brush against my exposed throat again. I shiver, a thrill running through me. My life hangs in his enormous hand, wrapping around my flesh with the intention of stealing my air.

Steal it all. Take it until I turn blue.

"One night of us," throat-squeezer gestures to the other two behind him.

If I'm going to break the rules, I might as well do it three times over. They're probably going to break me in half. But bring it on. I need this. Deserve this after all the shit I’ve been through in my stupid life. Give me pleasure or give me death—it should be my new motto. I swallow hard. The pain will be worth it. Even if they obliterate me through the night.

But more importantly? It’ll be absolutely fucking worth it to stick it to the stupid monster who is my puppet master.

I'm no puppet of his for the next few hours.

I’m theirs.

Whoever they are.

"As long as you understand the rules. You'll never see me again."

"Then, you'll understand that we're in charge tonight." There's no room for argument in his tone. Shivers fall down my spine, and goosebumps erupt with every word and touch. "Say you understand," he demands, stepping up to me more. All I see are the color of his eyes behind the mask—deep brown with specks of gold dotting through like a darkened galaxy staring back at me.

"Tell us, Little Kitten. Tell us you understand our rules, too. I'm hard as a rock just staring at you,” the grabby one says, roaming his light gray eyes up and down my body with interest.

They say eyes are the windows to our souls, revealing more than we realize. And tonight for me, that’s true. There’s a darkness present within each of their gazes, promising me unspoken words of pleasure and pain.

Just like me, there’s a black hole inside filled with nothing. Maybe that’s what drew me to these strangers and why I let their hands roam over my body on the dance floor when I had pushed every other perv away. Not them, though. The moment I heard Brown Eyes speak, his voice caught me in his web.

The four of us are similar. Yet, so fucking different.

Especially the one with light gray eyes. There’s almost nothing behind them. Just darkness staring back.

Ocean Eyes steps forward with a slight hesitation trembling through his hands. Unlike the other two, he hasn't said anything, opting for silence in the midst of chaos. My eyes drift south, over the enormous bulge straining against his jeans. Jesus. It looks huge. Will it even fit inside me?

Their identities are all hidden. Mine is, too. Their eyes track me like I'm a precious gem they want to steal away. But it's a risk I'm willing to take. Maybe it's the excitement. The rush of going against my puppeteer. Or maybe it's me taking back my life, one little defiant act at a time.

"You're in charge," I say, letting Brown Eyes constrict my air.

My lips pop open, begging for oxygen when he squeezes his fingers over my throat. Thrills soar through me. I tremble in his grasp. A white haze takes over my vision when soft lips press against my neck, sucking and marking me with his sharp teeth. More shivers erupt when his hot breaths blow against my ear.

"You won't regret this," is all he says with a slight rasp, filled with the desire I feel brewing in my lower abdomen.

Maybe I will. Maybe I won't.

But it’s something I’ve longed for, for so long. Sex has been on my mind for years, curiosity killing me to explore. But I’ve always been the dutiful little snake following my monster’s rules for fear of my sister’s life. Is this a gamble? Yes. Could I lose it all in a matter of seconds? Also, yes.

But I need this.

I need them to choke me and fucking use me until I’m boneless.

So, for tonight, I'm falling into the arms of strangers, aching to feel alive again after being surrounded by darkness for so long.

These strangers will bring me solace.

My breathing picks up when I blindly follow them down the hall. It's a blur making it through the door.

The lock clicks into place. And then… I'm alone with three masked strangers in a dark bedroom that doesn't belong to any of us.

I'm really living on the wild side tonight. Insane. Out of my mind. What the hell was I thinking? I swallow hard, staring at the three men standing before me. Strangers. About to wreck my life. And my vagina—the one who got us in this situation in the first place.

Butterflies burst to life in my stomach when they stand side by side like a brick wall, not uttering a word. I shift from foot to foot. The aching need to run away pushes heavily on me.