Page 123 of Twisted in Obsession

I grin.

"Yes, you are," I say to them, clapping my hands. "I need you two on your absolute best behavior now. No biting Jer and Shepp. Even when they're being shitbags, okay?"

Max licks his lips, letting out a loud yawn. His head plops down onto his paws. Well. That's all the acknowledgment I need. They agree to my terms.

"Shitbags? Really?" Jericho grunts, marching into the enclosure with me.

Bright lights hover over our heads, drowning out the beautiful moonlight and stars. Once we're done, I'll feed my babies and give them their home back. For now, they accept us into their domain.

"Max said it, not me," I quip, tucking my hands into my pockets.

‘The lion is speaking with you now? Should we be worried?’ Shepp signs, raising a brow.

"No," Jericho grunts. "He's none of our concern right now. What is is the man currently coming to." He sweeps a hand, gesturing to the man waking up with a groan.

I grin, waiting for the realization to hit Kent. It's always the best part. The “where am I?” “What have you done to me?” That one is my favorite, especially when I've taken their balls already and hold the bloodied pair in my hand for show and tell. That really motivates them to tell me their secrets. Men like Kent will pretend nothing scares them into submission. Like he demonstrated with his innocent wife. He's been trained that way. But Gabe trained me to break through the training.

I'm his favorite weapon to wield.

Kent's head wobbles when he looks around with glassy eyes, taking in the scenery. "Fuck you," he garbles out.

"Fuck you, too, Pal," I quip.

"I'll never fucking say a goddamn thing. You can cut my balls off or my fingers. I'll never tell you," Kent groans, attempting to pick his hands up. A loud laugh falls from his lips, and he heaves a breath. "Let me guess? Those fucking lions you love so much are staring at me with hungry eyes, aren't they?" He laughs more, filling the entire space with it.

"Oh. Never say never, Kent," Jericho coos, coming next to his chair. His fingers roughly prod at the wound on Kent's lip.

"You think a little pain is going to make me talk to you?" he huffs, attempting to pull from Jer's grasp.

"No," Jericho says with a shrug, pulling his hand back. "I'd rather have a civil conversation without all the unnecessary bloodshed."

Kent snorts. "Right. Isn't that what you boys were raised for? Bloodshed. Death. Gabriel really molded you into what he wanted, didn't he?" he laughs again, tossing his head around.

"He might have," Jericho says with a cool demeanor, putting his hands behind his back. "Sometimes I enjoy the art of carving answers out of men like you. Today, though. I want a conversation."

"A conversation," I whisper-shout to Shepp, who snorts.

‘You know he won't talk,’ Shepp signs.

I do. I know Kent won't spill a word until I choppity chop off his goddamn toes and then make him lick them. Oh. That sounds effective. Lick your toes. I wonder if he could bite through the bones?

Shepp snaps a finger in front of my face, bringing me back from the darkness swirling in my brain, begging me to do diabolic things. Oh, how I love to do that. But, right. I need to focus on the man panting now.

"What's happening?" I ask, looking at Shepp, who rolls his pretty little eyes. I swear the big man upstairs blessed him with the most beautiful eye color. "Your eyes are so pretty, Sheppy Boy." I grin when he shoves me away with a grunt. "You think I'm kidding? Tell him, Jer. Tell Sheppy Boy that he has the most beautiful eyes on the planet. I kinda want to pluck 'em out and…"

"Shut up, Arrow," Jericho commands, shaking out his fist. "Kent won't speak with normal conversation. Or with my fists." At that, Kent laughs more.

"I told you. You can't fucking make me beg or talk. I'll die first." He swallows hard, eyes darting behind him.

For someone so adamant that he's not afraid, there's clearly one thing that makes him nervous.

"Max," I call out, patting my knee. "Come here, baby," I coo, calling my lion to my side.

Max lifts his heavy body off the grass with a loud, lazy groan. Who knew lions could be as lazy as house cats, never really wanting to partake in day-to-day activities? With heavy footsteps, my lion makes his way beside me, staring at me with intelligent eyes.

"Max, I want you to give our little prisoner a big kiss. You can nip him a little if you'd like. Tear off his head and throw it around like a watermelon. You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

Kent stiffens at my words, swallowing hard again.