Page 121 of Twisted in Obsession

“Alrighty, boys, looks like we have someone to interrogate.” Arrow grins with way too much glee for my liking. “Max and Nova will be so thrilled to have a new plaything.”

‘They’re going to tear him apart,’ Shepp signs, lightly kicking Thomas’s bloodied body as he stays unmoving and unconscious.

“That’s the point, Sheppy Boy,” Arrow says with a grin. “Tear him to pieces so he sings like a little birdy in the caves.”

I roll my eyes. “Well, let’s get this show on the road before he wakes up and realizes he’s in the hands of?—”

“The best guys in the family? Deadly killers? The best of the best?” Arrow says, reaching down and tossing the big man over his shoulder without as much as a flinch.

‘Shouldn’t we restrain him?’ Shepp signs as Arrow takes off toward the side door with a pep in his step. If he could, I’m sure he’d click his heels and do a little jig at the prospect of murdering the man on his shoulder or extracting information.

“You tell him that,” I say, watching as he leaves our sight. “You good?” I ask with a calculating eye, checking Shepp up and down for any signs of distress.

‘Fine,’ he signs, swallowing a large lump in his throat.

“Hmm,” I hum without saying another word. We head out of the basement of First Catholic Church and head toward our SUV.

Shepp sighs, pulling out his keys and opening the trunk of my SUV. Where there’s plenty of room for a body or two to fit.

“Fine,” Arrow pouts, heaving the guy over his shoulder again and shoving him into the large trunk, closing it with a thud.

Wonderful. It’s this kind of night with him.

The drive toward our shared mansion lulls us into silence, letting my overactive thoughts take me under. We make our way through the bustling city filled to the brim with passing cars and pedestrians making their way home from work or wherever they were. Paying our large, black SUV no mind. To them, we’re just a passing car—nothing special or dangerous.

To us, we’re now men, ready to prove ourselves and take over when the time is right. This city needs a change, and we’re the ones to supply it.

Starting with Kent Thomas and his extra curricular activities. Then, we’ll move on to our girl, doling out the punishment she so deserves. Not only for her indiscretions from before but for defying me and wandering away. Just like I thought she would.

I sigh when the SUV comes to a stop at a red light, resting my head against the seat as thousands of thoughts roar through my mind. Most of them have to do with Journey and my father meeting down at the docks. I have so many questions. Yet, so few answers. Her life is unraveling into a mystery I want to desperately solve. In the morning, I’ll text my cousin for updates to soothe my mind.

My head turns to the left, and I sneer at the monstrosity rising into the sun-lit sky. There’s no name or company attached to the top, but everyone knows that’s where the Viotto mafia family runs everything regarding their business. Years ago, when my father left the mansion behind, he built the tower with several apartments and anything he could need, overlooking his subjects.

As the light turns green, we speed past the high rise, making our way through Briar Cove. Silence fills the car more as Arrow and I stare out the windows, watching the downtown area blur by as we make our way to the countryside, where our home sits away from it all. Completely on its own with no neighbors to hear our comings and goings. Or murders.

A breath of fresh air enters my lungs the moment we leave the city behind. I’d die for my brothers, but this organization fell victim to bullshit long before we rose to our proper titles as men in the family. Gabriel sunk that shit long before we were teens. And it’s only going to get worse, until we can get it under control, that is.

“Finally,” I mutter, peeking over the backseat to our prisoner. “He’s still passed out. You want to do the honors?” I ask, looking at Arrow, who instantly perks up.

Arrow grins, rubbing his hands together when Shepp drives us through the big gates and up our mile-long driveway. Nothing says “Do Not Solicit” like our massive security system, fit with cameras and a gate.

“You don’t have to ask me twice. Chair, rock, or dangling?” He wiggles his brows. “Please say dangling. I love it when they cry and piss their pants at the same time.” His big gray eyes plead with me to give him the all-clear. If it were up to him, he’d hoist every person we brought back here above the lion’s cage and watch in fascination as they beg for their lives.

Threaten a man’s balls, family, or hell—even his house. He won’t say a word. Dangle him above hungry, growling lions—he’ll spill everything you wanted to know. It never fails.

“Chair. But close enough that he can feel their breaths.” I nod when he throws the car into park, and Arrow jumps out of the car with zest, walking around to the trunk area and opening it.

“Oh, Thomas. You have no idea what is in store for you! I can’t wait for you to become acquainted with my babies. They’ll be so happy to have another toy to toss around.”

I eye Arrow’s erratic movements, instantly recognizing his need to go overboard.

“We’ll strap this one down. No dangling. No setting free in their pen. We need him to talk,” I command, running a hand down my blood-stained shirt with a frown.

“Fun ruiner,” Arrow grumbles with displeasure, lifting Thomas from the trunk with ease and throwing him over his shoulder. “What fun is it having a traitor…” Arrow’s words trail off as he rounds the corner of the mansion, heading toward the back of our property.

I heave a sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose. This is not how I saw my night going, but it is what it is.

“You think she’s back yet?” I question, staring up at the dark house. By the time we left the initiation, it was already close to nine o’clock. Giving her plenty of time to return to us by now.