Page 116 of Twisted in Obsession

She swallows hard. “I'm sorry we have to do this.” She shakes her head, looking around. “I need the job, and we need the money to keep this up. One day, I'll save enough, okay? Then, we'll run away.” She grins again, tucking my long brown hair behind my ears. “Then, we’ll be free, Journey Girl.” She boops my nose, rising to her feet. “But first, we need some furniture. Let's walk to the thrift shop and see what they have. What do you say?” She grabs my hand, gently squeezing when I nod in agreement.

Standing in the middle of the living room has my heart dropping into my stomach. I’m in the same spot she twirled, eager for our bright future in our new home. Then, without warning, she completely changed when she lost her cleaning job, bringing her into the depths of her depression. Introducing her to her addiction. I lost my mom when she lost her job.

Now, It's gone. Everything we owned has disappeared into thin air like it was never here. The pieces of furniture she worked her ass off to get. Gone. How in the hell did Jericho and his merry band of idiots pull this off in a few hours? I squeeze my eyes shut. They’re the mafia; of course, they could have pulled this off.

I twirl in place, noting the pictures missing off the walls, leaving behind a film of yellow from my mother's cigarettes. The couch. The tiny TV my mother insisted on having on full blast. Swallowing hard, I make my way into the kitchen, rummaging through the cabinets and fridge. No food. No plates or glasses. Everything that was once here is gone.

I sigh, staring down the darkened hallway, wondering if my room is intact. Or if they got rid of all my belongings, too. Maybe they’re keeping them somewhere in the mansion. Or perhaps, they’re at the city dump. I shake my head, making my way toward my room.

When I throw the door open and waltz into my bedroom, tears burn the back of my eyes at the sight.

My eyes dart around the empty, pathetic room devoid of my meager belongings. It's all gone. Everything I've squirreled away throughout my entire life has vanished into thin air. Poof. Gone. Like it was never here.

“Get caught, Little Snake?”

My heart stops when his figure moves from the corner of the room, into the moonlight coming through the window.

“Shit!” I gasp, clutching my chest and heaving a breath. My jaw falls open, and I swear I can't hear anything but the beating of my heart pounding in my ears. “Sir,” I sputter out, trying to gain my bearings.

How long has he been waiting for me?

“Seems someone has done a nice clean up job around here.” His eyes peer around the room with his lip curled. “Including Sable.” He raises a brow, coming more into the light of the moon and standing before me in his immaculate dark suit, fit with a matching tie.

Sable. I only pray she gets the help she needs and stays clean. If she’s really at rehab. No matter. I’m committed to finding her and getting the answers I deserve. I need to know where he hid my sister, and my mother might be the only one who knows.

Something about the man standing before me screams more danger than usual. My hackles rise, urging me to tread lightly. Or run. But running hasn't gotten me anywhere. Ever.

I lick my lips, trying to collect myself before I sputter too much bullshit and piss him off. That's the last thing I need to do.

“I…” I begin to say until he holds up a hand.

“Seems you're behind enemy lines now,” he says, cocking his head.

Okay. So, he knows who kidnapped me and bound me to them. Are they seriously the enemy here? Also, does he know about my arrest, too? Shit. Probably.

“They tied my hands.” I stand tall and lift my chin, hiding all my insecurities away. It's not a lie.

“So, I've heard. Jericho Viotto has got you by the metaphorical balls. Huh, Little Snake?” he chuckles. “Bound you to him and his fuckwit friends in a contract you so happily signed. It's pretty impressive and ironclad. Even being in the trailer is a violation of your terms.”

Shit. I wish I had that contract to read. But I'm too distracted by the gleeful look on his face. Have I ever seen him this happy about my fuck ups? Nope. But I'm not about to interrupt his joy. He can laugh for as long as he wants to, as long as he doesn't slap me.

I nod, rolling my lips. The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end when he saunters closer to me, continuing to chuckle at my expense.

“Oh, Little Snake.” His devilish grin sparks panic inside my stomach. It twists and turns when his expression sours.

There it is. That's the danger of my monster. One second, he's laughing. And the next, he's staring me down with cold eyes and rigid muscles like he wants to snap my neck.

He means business now…

“Your task with Elias White and Jenni Thomas is over for now.” He taps his chin a few times, beginning to pace in front of me like a blur.

“Are they dead?” I swallow the burning lump in my throat at the prospect of them being dead.

“Do you actually care for your cases?” The way his eyes zero in on the lump sliding down my throat fries my nerves.

Like he knows that Jenni was more than just a girl I was supposed to follow around. I actually liked spending time with her. It was freeing, liberating, and normal. She was the first girl in high school to want to hang out and watch movies on a Saturday night. I may not have enjoyed all the parties and club nights, but I had fun with her.

Over the short period of time, she became my best friend. And now, she's probably dead. I swallow down the emotions attempting to bubble up in my throat. Nope. I can’t let this get to me. Jenni was awesome. I felt more freedom with her than I ever have with anyone else. But she’s gone. I can’t afford to dwell on her not being in my life anymore. So, I let the darkness within me swallow everything I’m feeling and drown them out with numbness.