Don't fuck up, or your sister's life is in danger, Journey.

Don't you dare lose your virginity.

Follow all my rules or else.

Well, fuck his rules.

Fuck him, the sick bastard. This is my body, and I'll do whatever I want to do with it. I'm nineteen, and in a few weeks, I'll graduate from high school and hopefully be on my way to finding where he hid my sister. The girl he took from me so I'd comply with his stupid rules, hiding her in a health facility I've yet to find. I know she's taken care of by the pictures he's shown me and the few video calls he's allowed. She's no longer the sick little girl barely making it in the trailer, unable to get the medical help she needs. Now, she's better. Or seems better. I can only hope for the best. And it’s all my mom’s damn fault. She’s the one who sold her out. She’s the one who won’t help, but gladly takes the drugs my monster gives her.

My monster runs my entire life.

The moment my sister is back by my side, our identities are changing, and we're hitting the road to an isolated cabin away from everyone. Away from our mom, who doesn’t give a fuck about us. Away from this stupid town fueled by the ruling mafia. All I need to do is find someone capable of making false identities for me and my sister. In this town, it shouldn’t be too difficult. I just need the right connections; then we'll be all set.

I'm living for myself right now.

I’m abiding by his rules, but I’m sick and tired of it. I’m ready to get out from under his thumb and take back some semblance of my fucking life. So, why not let three handsome strangers fuck me into oblivion for the first time in my life? I need something to make me feel alive instead of the nightmares that plague my every move.

A spark. An ignition. Anything to warm me.

I need to find myself again.

It'll be my greatest rebellion yet.

Without another word, I go up the stairs, ensuring my mask is back in place. My lips tingle where the first one kissed the hell out of me, and I ache to run my fingers over them.

God, this is so stupid. My monster could have a spy following me, ensuring I'm doing my job. But I always do. I have the best motivation—my sister's life hangs in the balance.

“What did you do, Journey? What did you do?” her wails echo through my skull.

“I did what I had to do,” I say through a breath. “For Sunshine.”

“It was her! It was her!” my mother’s voice rings in my mind no matter how hard I fight it.

Tonight, I'm free.

For some stupid, selfish reason, I need to do this for me.

I hear her voice. Something she’s written in a letter to me before. "Have fun, Sis. You know I'm safe." My little sister's voice runs through my mind. Hell, I can even see her bright smile of encouragement. "Don't worry about me. Worry about you, Journey."


Looking around, I see no one up here, much to my relief. I can't hear if they followed me over the music thumping from the speakers on the first floor. Or over my rapid heartbeat. Once on the second floor, I finally look over my shoulder. Right on my tail are the three strangers who seem vaguely familiar.

From where? Who knows? I don't put that much thought into it. We're strangers. That's it. In a city of fifty-thousand people, I'll never see them again.

I turn to face them, staring into each of their expressive eyes. Dark brown. Light gray. Ocean blue. Reflect back at me—each holding secrets within their depths and desires on the surface.

"One night," I whisper, holding up a finger.

That's all I can spare. I got what I needed when I showed up at this pre-graduation party. I followed the man I was instructed to follow and took note of my classmate following him into the basement. I took the pictures I was instructed to take. Then, I watched as he made his way out and attached himself to a girl with red hair—Jenni from school, taking her upstairs to rock her world.

My job is over. The evidence was sent.

Now, I deserve a reward.

"Okay," the one who has done all the talking says, stepping forward.

His bloody skeleton mask gleams in the moonlight, faintly shimmering through the cathedral-style windows.