My future.

“What’s this?” I ask rigidly, sitting in the leather seat across from my father in confusion.

“Oh,” Arrow hums, looking over my shoulder at the picture of a girl I recognize immediately—Journey West—staring back at me with wide eyes and a smile. I tilt my head, taking in her beautiful features.

Red cheeks, dotted with freckles, and a dim smile, lighting up the frame. I know who she is immediately. My fascination with her has done nothing but grow over the years. From afar, of course. I've never allowed myself to get to know her or anyone else. Why would I? All I've been brought up to need is the family, and I've been brainwashed for far too long into believing in the future of an arranged marriage. It's something my father has always droned on about.

I’ve been out of his grip for a few months now, after witnessing him completely lose his mind to paranoia, convinced I was turning on him and so were the boys. We’re only eighteen. There’s no way we could be trying to turn everyone against him, but everyone in his eye is the damn enemy, including his son and his friends. No matter how hard I proved myself to him and the loyalty he instilled in me, it was never enough.

“Journey West?” I ask, blinking rapidly.

“Journey West,” my father smugly confirms without adding any context to his decision. “Her mother and I have formed an alliance of sorts, and in return for her loyalty, she gave you her daughter’s hand in marriage.”

Something shines through his eyes, and a slight smirk pulls at his lips. Funny, he never shows any sort of emotion. Not to us. Not to his men. Nada.

An alliance with a random woman? My brain turns over these weird little details, fumbling over them repeatedly. Usually, the family only does business with people within our network. Other mafia families looking to create stronger bonds over marriage and business transactions. Hence the rise in arranged marriages. Barbaric to some, but lovely for others. And in this instance, I’m stoked to see Journey West by our side.

We share everything. It's how we were taught.

But Journey? Unless she has a long-lost dad who is in our line of work, which she doesn’t, then why does my father want to make a deal involving her? Her father was a famous musician, Corbin West, who was worth billions of dollars but died and was never a part of her life. And he was never associated with our family. That much I know about him. But other than that, it’s crickets.

My father has something up his sleeve, and I can't figure out his angle—time to research.

"Why her?" I ask, running my finger over her picture, enamored by the innocent look in her eyes. “And why are you telling me now?” This kind of announcement usually comes later at our initiation ball, held after we’ve pledged ourselves to the family. It’s a celebration of our future.

Only then is the arrangement revealed. The wedding date will be set. So, why is my father bringing this to us years too early?

Between the three of us, we've seen enormous amounts of bloodshed while helping my father and other members of the family deal with the city’s trash. We've always been in the thick of it, getting our hands dirty even at the ripe old age of ten. My father wanted Shepp, Arrow, and I, elbows deep in everything he did. Torture sessions? Tracking men through the city? Yeah, we’ve been there. Held the guns in our hands, and the knives when need be.

All for the family—always. We rarely question our orders. But today, we have to know.

My father cuts his steel eyes to me, gritting his teeth. "Isn't my word enough, Son?"

I hide the anger bubbling inside and stiffen my shoulders. "Of course it is."

"There are rules, though. Considering I’m breaking protocol. This union won't happen until her schooling is done. She will graduate after you. And you can't touch her, talk to her, or even inform her of this." His voice rings out with such authority, that my spine stiffens. Reaching across his desk, he takes back the papers he handed me and shoves them into his desk. “I want you to focus on your initiation tasks and prove yourself. She and your marriage are your reward for a job well done.”

"Wait. She doesn't know?" Arrow asks, bouncing on his toes.

I continue to eye my father when his jaw tics with irritation. He hates being questioned. But this? This is something we deserve to know about. Especially her. How can someone not know they’ve been entered into an arranged marriage?

"No." My father raises a brow, eyeing the three of us like we’ll be a problem. "And she won't know until after your training is complete. Journey West is your reward the moment her diploma is in her hand."

In that moment, my eyes find Shepp and Arrow as my father paces before us.

‘She doesn’t know? Is he for real?’ Arrow discreetly signs to me with a blank expression, trying not to give our secret conversation away.

‘Later,’ I quickly sign back, hoping my father doesn’t catch on.

My eyes roam back to my father. “Thank you, Father. Are we done?”

He stops mid-pace and nods. “Go on. But keep what I’ve said in mind. No touching her. No talking to her or trying to tip her off. Her mother would be pissed…” he trails off, shaking his head. “And this is just between us. The family is not to know about this just yet.”

‘He’s serious?’ Shepp signs when we walk out of my father’s office with determination, heading straight out of the tower my father calls home and into our SUV, waiting for us on the curb.

Shepp settles into the driver’s seat as Arrow and I take the back.

“He can’t be fucking serious?” I sputter. “She doesn’t know and can’t know until she’s graduated? And why tell us now? Why didn’t he wait like everyone else does?.” I stroke my chin, recalling my uncle’s words from years ago. “I think he’s finally lost his shit.”