I huff, hearing the fucking pout beneath his mask, pleading with us to stop asking so many questions. He’s a shoot-first, ask questions later, type of guy.

Jericho narrows his eyes at Leighton. “Where is it from? Is it from…”

“That Blue Spider fucker Jenni is always fucking around with. He comes to the parties and sells them like candy.” Leighton shakes in the chair when Jericho strokes his chin.” The only good fucking thing that piece of shit is good for.”

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Jer sighs. “Take his finger. But let this be a warning for you, Leighton. Don’t fuck with what is ours. We’ll be discussing this in detail later.”

He nods, taking a step back, and Arrow gets to work, taking his prized possession—his middle finger. With victory, he holds it in the air, ignoring Leighton’s pitiful cries and the piss that leaks through, soaking his jeans.

Pathetic asshole.

I clink my rings together. ‘You know we’re going to have to discuss this with your father. He’s going to run straight to his daddy.’ I raise a brow when Leighton goes limp.

“Of course we will,” Arrow says, grinning with the finger in his hand, holding it up. “It’s a thing of beauty, isn’t it? I think my Kitten will love this present.”

‘No presents like that,’ I sign, growling until he shrugs, tucking it in his pocket.

He’s going to sneak that to her. I can feel it in my gut.

“We’ll talk to my father and explain the situation,” Jericho says with a smirk, straightening his shirt. “Now, let’s get him on his way; we have a Little Chaos to retrieve from behind bars. But first, drop that asshole on his lawn.”

“This is such bullshit,” I growl to myself in the lonely holding cell the cops threw me into. Small, cramped, and smelly—that’s what it is, also, pure bullshit.


“I didn’t even do anything!” I hiss, trying to convince myself more than anything that it didn’t happen. That I didn’t let myself get pulled into the Devil’s bullshit just for them to let me get arrested when they took part, too.

Now, though, it’s me against Leighton’s word and that stupid video. And, well—I’m fucked harder than ever before. I’ve been through some shit. But this? This is a whole new level of Journey is screwed. This wasn’t in the job description I was sent on at the hands of my monster.

This situation is entirely my fault.

I got swept up and away, letting my freedom and darkness take control.

Leighton’s precious daddy—the damn governor of the state of California—has so much power in this town that they’ll probably throw me away, lose the key, and praise God Journey West is finally off the streets.

Only time will tell.

I pray my monster doesn’t find out. Who am I kidding, though? He knows it all. Has eyes and ears all over this city. I’m one little spy amongst a million he probably has. How I thought I could have my freedom and eat it, too, is beyond me.

My eyes catch the clock loudly ticking away against the white wall next to the sealed metal door. Three a.m. Two and a half hours since I whacked Leighton’s car into oblivion and lit it on fire. Two hours of sitting here on this bench with nothing but a striped onesie and white socks, watching the time tick away.

Half of me hopes I can get out of here before they find a permanent place for me. The other half hopes I’m here for good, away from the man dominating my life and the mother who’d rather whore herself out than care for me.

My eyes snag on the large mirror hanging on the wall, showing my rough reflection. Dark streaks mark my cheeks, courtesy of the soot and ash from the fire.

My brown curls fluff, proofing out and standing on end from my wild night of drinking and a nice roll in the hay.

Shit. I squeeze my eyes shut.

I would have been five blocks out if Arrow hadn’t held me down and forced me to stay when the cops showed up. If only he had let me run, then I wouldn’t be here in this position.

You can bet your ass that they’ll pay for that indiscretion later. No one screws me over. No one. Not ever again. Especially since I wasn’t the only one who tore Leighton’s car apart piece by piece. He did, too. And wouldn’t you know it? He didn’t go to jail, just like I said they wouldn’t.

But I did. In that circle, I’m nobody. Not connected to any sort of family with money who can get me out of every indiscretion.

So, I’m totally screwed here. I blow out a breath and lean my head back against the cold cement wall. Despite my self-loathing and unsure future, It was all worth it. Every single hit. The fire. The orgasms.

My goddamn freedom.