Page 202 of Twisted in Obsession

I huff, making eye contact with Jericho as he stands on stage in the midst of his ceremony. Discreetly, he gives me a small nod, letting me know he’s seeing this. And that’s all the reassurance I need to continue standing by someone so heinous.

Every ounce of feelings I have drains toward my feet, wiping me clean.

“I suppose so. But it’s where you wanted me, right?” I ask, keeping my eyes forward and toward the stage.

“Indeed,” he hums, pulling something from his pocket. “Tell me, Little Snake. How have things been under their roof?”

AKA have they spilled any secrets he should be aware of? I swallow hard and take a deep breath, continuing the facade that I feel nothing.

“Nothing major has come up in conversation,” I say in an even voice, bringing my gaze to his. “They’ve been preparing for this the entire time I’ve been there. They haven’t spoken to or brought anyone over.”

A multitude of thoughts run through my mind. Gabriel is a smart man. He obviously knows things by the way he is looking at me suspiciously.

“Unless you consider I’m married to your son as something important,” I say, raising a brow when his grin widens. “But that’s exactly what you wanted, wasn’t it?” I ask.

“You’re a very smart Little Snake when you want to be.”

“Then you know my long-lost brothers paid a visit?” I question, earning a nod in return.

“Hmm, yes. Your brothers paid your mother and me a visit many years before with the promise of millions of dollars. Then, they disappeared. I had to do some digging while you rotted away in my basement, trying to find what they did with it.” He shakes his head, running a hand down his jaw. “Smart bastards, those West twins are. They put it into a trust with so many stipulations that I couldn’t get my hands on what was owed to me after the stunt you pulled with Thomas.”

Ice runs through my veins at the sound of his name and the crime I committed to protect my sister. “And what was owed to you?” I know the answer. Now, at least. Everything has been unraveling since that fateful night I met the guys at that party.

His jaw tics in irritation, hating my questions. “I suppose I could tell you,” he hums, pursing his lips. “Your mother sold you and your sister to me. She gave me permission to sell you to the highest bidder for however much I needed in repentance for what you did. Of course, then your brothers stopped by for a friendly visit, looking for you. Once I did some investigating, I knew exactly what to do with you.” He smirks at that, mentally patting himself on the back for being a sleaze.

“Keep me in a cage and manipulate me into doing your bidding?” I snap, quickly regretting my words when he narrows his eyes. “Or steal my inheritance?”

“Manipulating? Such a big word for a little spy. Do they know what you do for me?” He raises a brow, waiting for my answer.

Way to change the subject, assbag.

“I’m sure they’ve figured it out by now,” I say, lifting my chin and keeping my emotions at bay. Every time I speak with this man, he infuriates me more, making me want to punch him square in the face. One day I’ll get the chance when he doesn’t hold my sister’s life in the balance.

“That money was promised to me fair and square. You stole something important to me, too,” he grits out, showing his damn hand. “You murdered him in cold fucking blood. I’m curious, does Sheppard know what you did and why I own you?” He smoothes out his expensive suit while staring directly into my eyes.

“No,” I say, maintaining eye contact with him. “And you know it wasn’t in cold blood.” I heave a breath, losing myself in the emotions of that night. Something I know better than to do. But he knows how to slip under my skin and peel up my insecurities and the things I regret.

“I’m surprised it wasn’t the first thing you let slip,” he says with a smirk. “Imagine his surprise when he finds out who you murdered.”

My heart sinks when he says the words. I’m a murderer. But he wasn’t a good man. The more I’ve found out, the more I realize I did the world a favor by getting rid of him permanently. It’s worked out for everyone.

“You mean the man who cut out his tongue and snuck into his room to touch him while he slept?” I question back, tilting my head when Gabriel stills. “Or the man who attempted to rape my sister and me, until I stopped him? I don’t think anyone will be too broken up that I’m responsible for that.” I shrug, like it’s no big deal. But I know it is.

“How one man fathers his children is no concern of mine.” Obviously. Because you’re the father of the year. It’s what I want to say, but I let my darkness hide the snarky remarks I have in store for him.

“Of course,” I say, biting my tongue.

“Where’s the money, Journey?” he asks with a tic in his jaw. “I know the Wests were back in town with my niece in tow. I want to know the details of your conversations. Or they’re the first people I go after. East Point Bluff isn’t that far away. I know where they live and every detail of their lives.”

I lick my lips. How telling of him. He doesn’t know what was said or how the money was hidden. All he knows is that my brothers came into town with Olivia and visited Jericho’s mansion. That’s it. So, he hasn’t been secretly listening. But he does have someone telling him all the details. Someone, other than me.

He could be bluffing. Or he could be telling the truth. Jericho always said his father didn’t do anything without intention. And I believe it. He’s always two steps ahead of everything. Something, I’m seeing firsthand now.

So, I ignore the part about my brothers, not wanting to bring them up or involve them in any way. Never show your weaknesses, after all.

“If I knew where the money was, I’d have taken it by now,” I retort in a smooth tone. “Don’t you think?”

Gabriel doesn’t hesitate grabbing his phone from his pocket and unlocking it with a sneer.