“I'm sure that's what he said,” I rasp.

I slump into the bed with them surrounding me. Despite being blindfolded, I’m relying on them to continue to keep me safe. Hopefully, Mr. Toe Cutter doesn’t get any bright ideas and wants a souvenir before he leaves.

I like my toes, thank you very much.

Exhaustion pulls at my weary limbs. My pussy aches, but the pain is beyond delicious. I'll feel my defiant act for days to come, remembering the way their dicks felt deep inside me, using me to achieve their pleasure. Thank God I have birth control in place, because I don’t even think these assholes used condoms.

My brows furrow. They most definitely didn’t. What if they have diseases or something? Then, I’m screwed if I have to go to the doctor. How do I explain to my monster that I’m a dumbass who defied his rules and fucked without a rubber for the first time?


Stupid. Stupid, me.

Whatever. I push those insane feelings to the deepest, darkest part of my brain and mentally wash them from my mind. For now, at least. For the time being, I want to embrace the freedom humming through my soul.

I've never felt more alive than in their arms. And I don't even know their names. Tonight will live in my mind for years to come as I dig myself out of the grave I've thrown myself into these past two years.

I'm ready to live…

I'm ready to…

"Sorry, Little Kitten."

I feel the sting in my neck before I can even react. My body grows numb. My head swims in a fog of darkness, and then…

My world shuts off.

And darkness takes me again.


"Drugged her. Yeah," Arrow remarks with a grin, running his fingers through her curly hair and then pulling her partially nude body into his lap, where he lovingly rocks her back and forth. "She's so beautiful when she sleeps, isn't she?" Pure obsession shines in his eyes when he leans down and kisses her lips.

"Stop," I grunt, whacking the back of his head until he shoots up from the kiss and glares at me.

Shepp clicks the rings on his fingers in aggravation, alerting us he wants our attention. I sigh, turning my gaze to his tall form. Shepp frowns with his hands curling into fists at his sides.

Many years ago, my father gifted Shepp two metal rings that sit on his thumb and pointer finger. To the naked eye, they don’t look special. Simple rings on his fingers like a decoration. But to Shepp, they were a game changer. Imagine walking into a loud room, and you needed to get someone's attention urgently. Instead of running to them and silently tapping them on the shoulder, you can simply tap your rings together, bringing their attention to you.

Perhaps it was a guilt-induced measure to help Shepp in communicating with us. Maybe it was selfish on my father’s part. Considering he’s never done a positive thing for the people around him. Ever. He’s purely out for himself. So, why were these rings pertinent for Shepp? No clue. Besides, it’s not like my father has kept up with the replacements Shepp’s had to get over the years as he’s grown into the massive man he is now. Shepp has done that on his own, picking out his own designs, fitting for the man Shepp has become.

After the incident happened, Shepp, Arrow, and I learned sign language together. It was many months of grueling tutoring, along with our regular schooling. But we knew it was important for Shepp to have a language he could speak, considering his father took his voice from him.

‘You didn't have to do that! Why did you have that in your fucking pocket, anyway?’ Shepp signs with agitation.

"Um, who doesn't carry around a plunger full of knock-out meds?" Arrow looks between us like we're the crazy ones for not having it in our pockets. "It comes in handy." He waves his hand down at the naked girl passed out in his arms.

‘We could have helped her get dressed and walked her home. Now…’ Shepp signs, dropping his hands when he shakes his head. ‘Idiot.’

I purse my lips. "Now, we have to find her some clothes and sneak her out without anyone noticing we were here." My eyes fall to the torn fishnets and discarded leather corset lying on the ground. "Or that we have a drugged woman in our possession. Discretion is our finest attribute, Arrow,” I huff, picking up the pieces of clothing, refusing to leave them behind for the owner of the home to find later.

Shepp rolls his eyes, waving to the window. ‘Well, the sun is starting to rise, so I don't think many people will still be here,’ he signs.

"Or… and hear me out. Why can't we just keep her? I'll feed her, clothe her, and…"

"You know we can't. She needs to graduate," I cut in sharply. "Besides, she's not a pet."

And we cannot have her yet. Per my father’s asinine rules that we so clearly broke last night. But I’m tired of waiting in the wind while he dictates my life. Every step of the way he’s been there, looking over my shoulder, and telling me which way to piss. Never again. I’ve never rebelled so hard against him, and it feels oh so fucking good to step over the line he created. Now, I just have to keep up the illusion that we’re under his ruling thumb.