Page 72 of Rock Bottom

Mac greeted them in the lobby with a big smile. “Good morning! How is everyone today?”

“We are just ducky,” Annie replied.

“Sensational,” Myra added. At least we will be in a short bit, she thought to herself as Annie gave her a little tap with her elbow. At this point in their lives they could almost read each other’s minds.

Mac ushered them into his private office, where a sideboard of breakfast pastries, quiche, fruit, smoked fish, and an assortment of beverages was displayed on the credenza.

“Mac, you are going to make me fat!” Annie exclaimed.

“Nonsense.” He smiled and gestured to the sideboard. “Please. Enjoy.”

They spent about twenty minutes enjoying light conversation and the delicious offerings. Both Annie and Myra were trying to contain their excitement and anxiety. Until the confirmation of the account status came through, anything could go horribly wrong.

Mac sat behind his desk and put on his reading glasses. Annie handed him the paper with the account information. His computer was situated where only he could see what was on the screen. He typed a few keys, and then another set of numbers, and then a third password. “There are two million dollars in the account,” Mac reported.

“That sounds about right.” Annie nodded as if it was her own account.

Annie pulled out the list of schools along with the name of their respective banks. “I would like the money to be divvied up and sent to each of these.” She turned the list over to Mac. “One hundred thousand per school.”

“I can have someone get the routing numbers. Just give me a few minutes.” He switched off his computer, got up from his desk and walked out to the lobby, where he spoke to a colleague.

Annie couldn’t hear what Mac was saying but she could see from their body language that nothing was amiss. She tapped Myra on the knee and gave her the “okay” sign with her thumb and forefinger. After what seemed like an eternity, Mac returned to his desk. “Very well. We’ll close out this account and put the money in escrow until we get all the routing numbers for the schools. If there are any issues, I will certainly let you know.” He returned to his computer and went through the same process of security passwords. He typed a few more numbers, and then a few more. He looked up from the monitor. “The account is officially closed.” Then he waited.

Annie was so distracted by the word closed, she almost forgot to hand over the check for two million! Myra tapped Annie’s knee with her own. “Oh, Mac, before I forget . . .” Annie opened her purse and presented him with the check, but this time the account would be in her name, with her own private account number. The relief in Mac’s face was obvious. Not that he didn’t trust Annie, but moving large sums of money required much finesse.

“Thank you, dear Countess,” Mac said with great appreciation.

“Always a pleasure doing business with you, my dear friend.” She stood, followed by Myra.

Mac walked from behind his desk and approached the two women. “It would be nice if you could stay on our patch of paradise a little longer, no?”

“Yes. Yes, it would,” Myra answered.

Mac gave the women a kiss on both their cheeks and walked them through the lobby to the large glass doors. They bid each other farewell and then Annie and Myra linked arms and skipped down the sidewalk.

As soon as she was able, Myra sent Charles a text:

Phase Three Complete.

Charles answered with: Bravo!

“I think we should reward ourselves,” Annie said.

“What do you have in mind?”


“Have you gone mad?” Myra squealed.

“Kidding. But a stroll through Chanel might be nice. We can pick up a few presents for the girls.”

“I like that idea.” Then Myra stopped short. “What about Fielder and Walsh?”

Annie raised her eyebrows. “I shall fill you in as we browse the shop.”

“I like that idea, too!” Myra said with glee.

South Beach, Miami