Page 69 of Rock Bottom

Benny began to rub the stubble on his chin. “I dunno, Kathryn. That’s a big ask.”

“I’ll make it worth his while. Or hers if there are any women out there.”

Benny looked at Drew.

“You say all he’s gotta do is deliver your trailer?” Drew asked.

“Yep. He’s got the bill of lading from the manufacturer. He turns the load and the paperwork over to the foreman and moves on.”

“What kind of trouble can he get in?” Drew asked.

“None, really. He can’t help it if the dispatcher hitched the wrong trailer to his rig.”

Benny nodded. “True.”

“And he’ll have all the correct documents,” Kathryn reminded him.

“And you say you’ll make it worth his while?” asked Benny.

“I will for sure.” Kathryn winked as Reba brought over their food, balancing two plates on her left wrist. She set a plate down in front of Benny, then Drew, and Kathryn.

“Be back with those biscuits in a snap.”

They waited for Reba to leave before they continued their conversation.

“If I hustle, I can meet up with him in two hours,” Kathryn said.

Benny wiped the ketchup off his chin. “You’re really gonna have to hustle.”

“Yeah, but he won’t be able to deliver the load until the morning when someone is on the lot.”

“True, true,” Drew agreed. The threesome then focused on their food, gobbled their meals and Kathryn placed a hundred-dollar bill on the table.

“Ooo-wee, lady. Got any more of that?” Benny exclaimed.

“Only if you’re carrying bad concrete.” She slapped him on the back again.

They walked over to Benny and Drew’s rig. Drew pulled out his cell phone and opened the Trucker Path app. He did a search for anyone going to Florence, Ohio. Several seconds later he got a response from Willie Walnuts. He had gotten that handle hauling walnuts from California.

Willie called Drew in response to his message on the app. Kathryn leaned in to listen. “Got a load to deliver first thing. Getting some shut-eye. What’s up?” Willie asked.

Drew looked at Kathryn for a cue.

“Tell him the truth. That you need to swap bad goods,” Kathryn urged.

Drew obeyed and Willie replied, “What bad goods?”

“You’re carrying a load of subpar blocks,” Drew answered.

“What are you talkin’ about?” Willie asked.

“Trust me,” Drew said. “You gotta meet up with my . . .” He was searching for the right word.

“Colleague,” Kathryn coached him.

“My colleague.”

There seemed to be an interminable pause on Willie’s end. Then he answered: “Okay. What time?”