“Sounds like a good plan. We can grab another cap at a store on the way,” said Eileen.
“Remember we have that Zoom meeting with everyone at nine. What time should we get over to the plant?” Maggie asked.
“To be safe, I suggest right after it shuts down. According to Segundo, the office staff leaves at five and the factory workers leave around seven,” Alexis said.
“And we only saw one guard on duty last night,” Maggie added.
“Okay then. Let’s plan on leaving at six. That will give us enough time to find a good spot to park where we can also make a quick exit as soon as the trucks leave the lot,” Eileen said as she double-checked for extra cartridges for the paintball gun.
“I can’t wait to see how it all works out!” Maggie said with a little too much glee.
New York
Zoe was wrapping up her workday when she checked the burner phone for any messages. Much to her horror she saw the text from Charles about the Ohio shipment. How did that get away from me? She went back to her computer and typed in the name of the school: Riverwood Elementary. Sure enough, it wasn’t in her account file. So where was it? She looked in every file where she thought it might be, but to no avail. She wondered if this was a Donald Walsh deal and he had fudged the records. Zoe immediately looked up the school and found the main phone number.
“Good afternoon. This is . . .” She had to think quickly. “Louise Phillips. I’m calling regarding some building materials that are enroute to your school.”
A pleasant voice responded. “Oh yes. That’s for the new gymnasium they’re building. How can I help you?”
“We seem to have conflicting addresses. Can you please tell me where the shipment should be delivered?”
“Certainly. Just one moment.”
Zoe heard some papers rustling in the background. “The truck needs to enter on River Road. It’s to the north of the building. They’ll be able to see the entrance from the street.”
“Can you give me the exact address? My boss is a stickler for that sort of thing.”
“Of course. It’s 115 River Road. Is there anything else I can help you with?” the pleasant voice asked.
“No. Thank you very much. You have been very helpful. Enjoy the rest of your day.” Zoe realized she had been holding her breath for what seemed like an hour. She immediately contacted the team with the address.
Charles then sent off a quick text to Myra asking what direction Kathryn was coming from or going to.
Myra answered Charles, saying she thought Kathryn was picking up a load in California and was heading to Nebraska. Charles quickly sent a message to Kathryn that she needed to intercept a truck going to Florence, Ohio.
Kathryn decided this required a phone call and hit Charles’s speed dial number.
“Hey, Charles. What’s happening?” Kathryn asked calmly.
“There’s a truck delivering subpar materials to an elementary school in Florence. We need to intercept it.”
“I’ll reach out to some of my road warriors and see who is in that area. I’ll get back to you ASAP.”
Kathryn picked up her CB radio and sent out an APB. “Anyone heading to Florence, Ohio?” No response. She tried her VHF radio instead and sent the same message. Still nothing. She knew she had no other alternative but to scramble and head to Ohio herself. Her cargo of bok choy would be taking a detour. If she hustled she could be within the vicinity of Florence within the next twelve hours. She phoned Charles again. “I can’t get anyone on the wire right now so I’ll head off in that direction. I should be able to make contact with the truck the closer I get.”
“Right-o. Mind as you go!” Charles exclaimed.
“Will do!” Kathryn took the next exit to I-80 East and put the pedal to the metal. If there weren’t any detours she would be near Florence around two A.M. But she still had to find that driver or her trip would be for naught.
Santo Domingo
Alexis left her room first and strolled to the parking lot. Five minutes later Maggie and Eileen headed toward the pickup truck. Maggie rolled her baseball cap in the dirt and Eileen scuffed hers on the asphalt. Alexis’s porkpie hat was already a little frayed around the edges.
The three piled into the truck and began changing into their disguises, arms and legs flailing and knocking into one another. It could have been a scene from an episode of I Love Lucy. When they finally accomplished the bizarre quick-change routine, they burst out laughing.
“I don’t think we could do that again if someone paid us!” Maggie roared.
They gave each other the once-over. No one would mistake them for tourists now. They looked like they were on their way home from a long day at a farm. Once they drove to the complex, Eileen spotted an area on the side of the road where they could park and be hidden by a few shrubs. Now all they had to do was wait. Again.