Page 54 of Rock Bottom

Under no circumstance should you pursue Louise. Not until we get more intel.

A minute or so later Izzie responded with:


Annie shut off her tablet and placed it in its case. “Maggie, Eileen, when you get to the airport you’ll have an SUV rental waiting for you. Alexis will take a taxi.”

“Right,” said Eileen.

“But when you get to the Monaco, there will be a 1970 turquoise and white pickup truck in the rear of the parking lot. You are to use that to come and go. You’ll blend in better.”

“Turquoise?” Maggie wrinkled her brow.

“Matches the water. It’s a very popular color there,” Annie said.

“Cool. I always wanted one of those,” Maggie said with glee.

“If you’re a good girl, I’ll get you one for your birthday.” Myra chuckled.

“Really? Seriously?” Maggie was almost begging.

“If this mission goes well, everyone will have a new toy,” Myra said and gave each of the other women a high five.

The pilot came on the speaker, announcing their descent into Grand Cayman. “We should be touching down in approximately ten minutes. We’ll refuel and then on to Santo Domingo.”

Santo Domingo was a busy city with skyscrapers and all the other trappings of a metropolis. Punta Cana, a popular vacation resort, was on the far eastern end of the island. The two cities were as different as night and day. Grand Cayman was a total resort island. With lots of banks. Beaches and banks.

Maggie was the first to chime in after they landed in Grand Cayman. “I wonder what’s for lunch,” she said, knowing everyone was anticipating her question.

“An assortment of sandwiches and salad,” Annie replied. “And, yes, there’s enough for you.”

The plane taxied to the small terminal, where they were met by a driver who would take Myra and Annie on to their hotel. The women kissed and hugged and wished one another good luck, punctuated by shouts of, “Whatever it takes!”

Myra and Annie’s ride to the Ritz Carlton and Seven Mile Beach was postcard perfect. Several hundred yards offshore, the ocean appeared a deep cerulean blue, lightening to various shades of turquoise at the shoreline. The silver thatch palms, blossoming lantana plants, and soft white beaches embodied the word paradise.

“It’s absolutely gorgeous here. The smell of the salt air mixed with fragrant tropical notes. Divine.” Myra sighed. “It’s too bad we can’t stay a bit longer.”

Annie eyed her. “Anything is possible.” She patted Myra on her knee.

When they arrived at the hotel, they were welcomed by not one, but two bellmen.

“Nice to see you again, Countess, Ms. Rutledge,” said the first of the two bellmen. He then circled to the back of the vehicle and saw there were only two small suitcases. “A short stay?” he asked.

“Afraid so,” Annie answered. “But you never know.”

“Right this way,” the other bellman announced. He placed their bags on a cart and rolled it in the direction of the elevator.

The women were met by the concierge in the usual fashion, with smiles and joyful greetings. He handed them the keys to the suite and bid them a good afternoon.

Their top floor suite had a spectacular view of Seven Mile Beach from the outdoor terrace. “This is absolutely the bomb!” Myra said, trying to use a more youthful vernacular.

Annie laughed out loud. “Listen to you! But you are absolutely correct.”

“Too bad Fergus and Charles can’t join us,” Myra said as she unpacked her bag.

“Let’s see how the next few days go,” Annie replied with a twinkle in her eye. “If not now, then we’ll come back for a long-overdue vacation.”

“I like the sound of that,” said Myra. “What’s on our agenda for today?”