Page 41 of Rock Bottom

“So as not to draw attention from the gov,” Fergus added.

“There is no indication he inherited the money, nor did we find any history of gambling. At least not online. We still need to learn his routine,” Charles finished.

“That is a lot of new information for just one day!” Zoe exclaimed. Everyone else burst out laughing.

“I said you’d get used to it, so start getting used to it,” Izzie teased.

“You have the name of the job site where the latest materials are going?” Charles asked Zoe.

“No, but I have the name of the contractor. It’s Construttori Internazionale. They are in Italy. We provide them with the materials, according to the specs.” Zoe scrutinized the hard copy of the spreadsheet she’d printed out earlier. “Oh, geez.”

“What is it?” Myra asked.

“It’s for a school in Abruzzo.”

“They’re sending subpar materials to build a school?” Myra was horrified.

“Looks that way,” Zoe said.

“Do you think Construttori is involved in it? Or do you think they are being duped?” Charles asked.

“I’ve dealt with Construttori before. They were always concerned about meeting the proper requirements. Ever since the bridge collapsed in Genoa, the Italian government has put contractors under considerable scrutiny.” Zoe paused. “My guess is that El Cemento is making a cheap version of the materials and we are shipping it without the contractor’s knowledge. It would be too risky for Construttori to try and do a bait and switch.”

“We’re going to have a look at Construttori. See if they’ve been involved in anything dodgy,” Fergus said.

“We need to get someone down to the Dominican Republic to snoop around,” Myra agreed.

Alexis was the first to offer. “I’ll go.”

“Okay, but not alone,” Myra said.

Maggie chimed in next. “Once I finish my research, I should be good to go in about two days.” She crinkled her freckled nose. “Plus, snooping is my specialty.”

“Besides eating.” Annie chuckled.

Maggie rolled her eyes. “It never ends.”

“Then it’s settled,” Annie said. “Maggie and Alexis, you two will be leaving for Santo Domingo in two days. Alexis, how is your Spanish?”

“Muy bueno,” she answered.

“Good. You will go to REBAR’s factory and pretend you are applying for a job. Zoe, give Alexis a list of positions she could apply for.”

“I’ll check the job posting board for a list of positions. I know there are a few after the island was slammed by two hurricanes. A lot of the management team left the country. Two hurricanes two years in a row was all they could stand,” Zoe said. “I can get that to you first thing.”

“Maggie, I know how much you hate stakeouts, but I want you to check out the factory. See who comes and goes,” Myra ordered.

“Got it.”

“I think you’re going to need a disguise. Your curly red hair will make you look out of place in the Caribbean.”

“Fine with me. I trust Alexis will transform me into someone who can blend in.”

“Blend in?” Annie snorted. “That will never happen. The best we can hope for is that you don’t stand out like a red lollipop.”

Myra had a look of concern. “I don’t think Maggie should be doing this alone. I know Alexis will be close by, but not necessarily close enough, and Maggie is in uncharted territory.” She continued. “Charles, see if Eileen from Avery’s group is available. She would be a good partner for Maggie.”

“Right,” Charles replied. “I’ll ring him up now.”