Page 8 of Jealous Convict

Well, he will if he takes a single step toward Kitty but there’s no reason to announce that. Yet.

His gaze swings to her and that hot, possessive and borderline homicidal sensation kicks in my gut.

I angle myself firmer in front of her. “She’s not leaving either. You left her alone with me before. You know this is the safest place for her right now.”

The guard grits his teeth and glances over his shoulder once more. He looks at me and points a warning finger. “Don’t do anything stupid, Monroe. Stay put right here, both of you.”

He exits, yanking the door shut, and I hear the bolt slam home before several more locks connect. Each sound draws a squeak from Kitty.

“Did he…did he just lock us in?”

I transfer my gaze from the door to her, my senses leaping at registering that I’m alone with her. Truly alone. My dick hardens at the thought. “Yes, baby. He did.”

Her eyes turn saucer wide. Several tremors rush through her and she starts breathing fast.


She’s about to hyperventilate from panic. “Easy, sweetheart. No need to panic. I meant it when I said you’re safe here. With me.”

Her eyes meet mine, but I don’t think my words get through to her.

The carnage outside is escalating, swelling her panic right along with it.

I drop my arms and approach her slowly, attempting to appear non-menacing despite my six-foot-four size and the scruffy beard I haven’t shaved in months. Right now, I’m painfully aware of my frayed jumpsuit, every rage-filled tat I’ve etched into my skin and the roughness of my fingers.

“Your assessment was right, by the way,” I start, trying to soothe her with words if not my appearance. “The last thing I want to do is jeopardize my impending freedom by doing something stupid. And trust me, I’ve never forced myself on a woman. I’m not about to start with you, okay?”

She blinks slowly, as if trying to compute my words.

When a full-body shudder grips her, I exhale and cup her shoulders.

A groan shudders up from my diaphragm.

It’s the first time I’ve touched a woman in four and a half years.

The first time I’ve touched an angel.

There’s a layer of cotton between my hands and her skin, but fuck, I feel her softness.

My dick reacts like the starved animal it is. Blood rushes south with speed that blinds me for a nanosecond, makes me grunt like the beast I am.

She starts to stiffen, her breathing turning more agitated again as she tries to dislodge my hold.

“Hey, hey. Relax, Kitty. No one’s going to hurt you. Not on my watch.”

“Y-you can’t just order somebody to relax. In fact, studies show a-a large percentage of the time, it has the o-opposite effect.”

“Well, how about I strongly suggest that you do what I say, kitten?”

Her eyes finally focus on mine, and the fire I expected ignites the gorgeous blues. “Is this a hangover from your army days, or is barking orders how you are generally?”

My thumbs caress soothing circles on her shoulder. “I’m whatever you need to stop freaking out. You’re safe, baby.”

“I’m not?—”

She yelps as another loud explosion rocks the building.

Her small hands clamp on my wrists and she jumps closer, a sign of trust she probably doesn’t register. And bastard beast that I am, I let the sensation swirl through me. Let it infuse my bones until I want to close my eyes and roar with the thrill of it.