Page 26 of Jealous Convict

“Yeah. But also the way you’re holding me now, keeping me safe.”

My smile dims as the solemn need to reassure her takes root and sprouts as giant as an oak tree. “And I will always keep you safe, Kitty. You have my word on that, you hear?”

She gulps down a swallow and nods.

“What’s your absolute favorite then, sweetheart?” I can guess what’s coming and it will probably make me come in my damn jumpsuit considering how much pre-cum is leaking out of me already, but I need to hear her say it.

Every word from her sweet lips, every blink and sigh, the sounds she makes when she’s coming, and the sight of her fresh virgin blood on my dick will sustain me in the time we’ll be forced apart.

Her face turns tomato red and my dick jerks and begs for relief. She feels it and gasps and wriggles, dragging another groan from my soul.

“Fuck, baby. The way you keep squirming like that…you’re going to make me come.”

Shock widens her eyes. “You can just…just erupt like that w-without…umm…”


I slam my mouth over hers, dancing my tongue between her lush lips for a quick taste before I drag myself away. “Now that Daddy knows how it feels to be buried that tight, innocent pussy, you bet your sweet little tush that just the thought of it is enough to make me nut. Now tell me your favorite thing. I need to hear it.”

“It’s…it’s what you just said. When you…when Daddy puts his…thing between my legs?—”

“His cock, baby. It’s Daddy’s cock. Say it,” I order hoarsely against her swollen mouth.

“When Daddy puts his…cock inside me, it feels so am-amazing. I never want it to stop. Not until…until I explode,” she whispers fervently against my mouth, both hands now clutching my wrist as if she’s desperate for an anchor to keep her grounded. “Then I immediately want to do it all over again,” she confesses, her eyes darkening with lust.

A spurt of come shoots out of me, dampening the front of my jumpsuit as I vow then and there I’ll make this beautiful girl fly.


“Christ, baby. Believe me, if I had my way I would never pull out of that incredible cunt. I would eat, drink, sleep and worship there for the rest of my life.” I grit my teeth, drop my hands from her ears, and prepare to do the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life. “But, sweetheart, we need to move from here.”

She trembles in my arms and shakes her head. “What? No. Please.”

I slam my eyes shut for a second to block out the distress blazing in hers. “Just for a little bit,” I say when I open them again. “Can you be brave for me a while longer?”

She gives a shaky nod, as the shouting and taunting outside rev up even higher. The progress they’ve made with the door has made them bolder, their threats coarser.

Rising with my precious bundle in my arms, I stride quickly to the small, windowless bathroom adjoining the warden’s office.

Besides the toilet and sink, there’s a shower stall with a curtained rail. I set her down on the floor of the shower and rip the rail off the wall.

Disposing of the plastic curtain, I heft the pole in my hands. It’s not much but it’s all I have to work with.

I look down to find Kitty peering up at me, that mix of trust and distress threatening to chop me off at the knees all over again.

I drop into a crouch and hold out the pole.

“Baby, I need to go out there and take care of things?—”

Her hands shoot out to wrap around my left bicep. “No! P-please don’t leave me. Dad said help is on the way. J-just stay here with me, Monroe. Please!”

Bang. “Tick tock, princess. Hope you’re ready to be split wide open!”

She pales at the deranged threat that sounds way too close.

Heart leaping into my throat and my blood rushing with the need to do serious damage to the people threatening what’s mine, I push the pole into her hands, my voice emerging rougher than I intend.

“Take it, Kitty. You won’t need to use it, but…just in case, remember to go for the eyes, you hear me?”