Page 23 of Jealous Convict

I always get a jolt when he calls me that because he’d never been a true father. His first and only devotion has been to his uniform, country and ambition. “Yeah?”

“This favor doesn’t come for free. You got that?”

Despite my guard being up, a sharp spike pierces me.

Of course he’ll want some sort of payback for helping his own son.

“Yes,” I grit out.

“Oh, and the team will be evacuating one person only. Don’t try anything stupid or there will be consequences.”

“Understood.” I hang up before I give in to the urge to lay down a few home truths at the man who gave his sperm to create me then washed his hands of me.

“W-what’s happening? What did he say?” Kitty asks, her pale face full of hope.

I open my mouth to tell her that help is coming, albeit probably too late judging from the inroads the lunatics are making on the door, but her phone rings.

“Hang up the phone. No one’s coming to save you, sweet cheeks,” one crude voice calls through the small opening.

She jumps and goes paler.

“Answer it, baby,” I urge gently, then wait long enough for her to lift the phone to her ear before I march to the door.

I peer through the small crack, meet the eye of the loudest turd in the threatening bunch.

I keep my voice low and deadly so my sweet girl doesn’t hear me. “Speak to her again and I’ll ensure you eat your teeth and your tongue before sundown tonight.”

“I’d like to see you try, Gage.” His beady eyes jump in his face as he tries to catch a glimpse of Kitty. “Got your dick wet, did you? How was she?”

“Guess what, you just signed your fucking death warrant,” I promise, imagining the many ways I’ll dismember him as I rush back to my girl.

In time to hear her say, “I promise, I’m fine, Dad. B-but, they’re trying to get in. And w-we don’t know what do you.” Her eyes dart to me and she nods, even though her father can’t see her. “Yes, he’s still here with me.” She holds out the phone to me. “Dad wants t-to talk to you.”

I take the phone and pull her close, tucking her against my chest.

She slides her arms around my waist and buries her face in my pecs.

As I lift the phone to my ear, I feel a mixture of gratitude and fury toward the man at the end of the line.

I’m enraged that he sent my angel to this den of vipers, but if he hadn’t…hell, I prefer not to think about how my life would’ve turned out if I’d missed the opportunity to meet my future wife.

“Sir,” I greet in my best reasonable voice.

He’s Kitty’s father, and for now I’m still somewhat under his control. He doesn’t need to know that I’m now her daddy. That I intend to relieve him of his duties as her carer and provider.

Soon enough.

“Monroe? Is that you?” he asks and I frown, unwilling to think that he didn’t believe his own daughter when she said I was keeping her safe. “Is my little girl okay?” he demands frantically.

My fingers tighten on the phone, hating the term that should belong to me and only me. “Nothing will happen to her while I’m here, sir. You have my word on that.”

He exhales in audible relief. “I’ve called in reinforcements. Various branches of law enforcement are on their way. They’ll be there in under an hour. My wife and I are still in Europe but we’re getting on a plane right now. We’ll be out of cell phone service for a few hours. Can I…can I count on you, Monroe?” His voice breaks a little and I feel a sliver of sympathy for him as I glance down at his daughter.

His treasure.

Now mine.

Her big eyes peer up at me and a surge of protectiveness threatens to consume me. I know how the warden feels.