Page 78 of I Think He Knows?

“But you wouldn’t abandon your students,” Lilly says knowingly.

Ariel shakes her head. “No, I love those kids.”

“Spoken from the heart of a true educator,” Lilly exclaims.

Jess and I exchange a look, and I roll my eyes.

Ariel, Lilly and the others head to the bar just as Leo arrives. Jess does a great job at keeping her excitement to a minimum.

“This is fancy,” Leo says, looking around our private section.

“Some of Ariel’s finest work,” Cam says. “What’s up, man?”

He and Leo do a fist bump while Leo takes the appropriate seat next to Jess.

“How long are we staying here?” Cam asks. “I suggested thirty minutes.”

Leo shrugs. “You tell me.”

I’d be perfectly happy to finish my drink and bolt.

“Dude, your parents had me cornered for almost an hour,” Leo tells Cam. “And your dad made me promise to play a round of golf. That’s not happening.”

Cam sighs. “Sorry.”

“I’m never playing golf with Winters,” Leo continues. “Eighteen holes is way too long to be around that guy.”

Leo mentioning Lilly’s father reminds me of my conversation with her mother.

“Just tell him you’re busy,” Cam says. “That’s what I usually do.”

“Do you golf together often?” Jess asks Leo. “I play with my brother and parents occasionally.”

“You golf?” Leo asks sounding surprised.

“I said occasionally—which means I’m not good.”

“Maybe you just need a good teacher,” Leo suggests.

Cam looks at me and raises his eyebrows. Leo and Jess are obviously getting along very well.

“How are you?” Cam asks taking my hand in his and squeezing it.

“I’m tired.”

“It was a crazy day,” he says.

“Did everything go okay with your parents?”

I’m wondering if any of them mentioned me. My guess is Mrs. Winters isn’t the type to stay silent.

“It went as well as expected,” he says with an exasperated sigh.

“Like a wrecking ball?” I say, repeating what he said earlier.

“Pretty much.”

I need to tell him about Lilly’s mother, but it’s probably not the right time.