“Your dad wouldn’t have given a rat’s ass.”

A reedy voice suddenly joined the conversation, and I looked to my left to see William looking mad in his gray shirt, like a handsome demon. He sneered at Luke, who looked like he smelled something foul.

Oh, God.

“William, so nice of you to join us.”

“You all can relax, I was just joking around.” His voice suddenly matured, and the sneer dropped from his face. “Seriously, Luke. Congrats. I can’t wait to begin the campaign. It will be great.”

Luke hesitated before he took Will’s hand, which he shook with a slight frown on his face. William, apparently at ease, looked at me and smiled.

“There you are! I was wondering if I’d get my jacket back.”

“Oh, sorry,” I mumbled as I slipped it from my shoulders.

He helped me take it off and when I glanced at him, he winked.

Wipe that fucking smirk off your face.

Luke wore an uncertain smile. “You know each other?”

“I’m taking her out to dinner tomorrow night,” Will said matter-of-factly.

All of them gaped at me.

“What?” I stammered.

The background music sounded like it was too low. Our small circle ignored the party to stare at Will and me. He in turnignored the bemused looks around him and addressed me with a scorching look. Blood careened through my veins.

Will leaned in. “Bring your portfolio. I want to see your work.”

“No,” I muttered. My cheeks were like embers and I walked away with Jessica close on my heels.

I stopped near a table with a row of glasses and I took one, frowning as Jessica cornered me, looking excited.

“He asked you out on a date?”

“Yeah, but I’m not going.” I looked back at the group. William and Luke were exchanging words and Luke looked serious. I couldn’t imagine what they were talking about.

I don’t want to be hurt again.

And he looked like just the man who would do such a thing.

I tried to forget about Will on the way home, but he kept popping up in my head. I couldn’t get over how weird the whole thing was—how he looked drunk but wasn’t, and his wildly inappropriate behavior. He has issues.

What kind of rich guy goes to a party looking like he had just been mugged? There was something refreshing about his open honesty, even if it was rude as hell.

As I dove into bed, yawning, I decided that the night hadn’t been so bad. It had been worth it to meet the strange man who asked me out minutes after insulting me.

No way, buddy.

Then why couldn’t I stop thinking about him?


I went to work on Monday, my mind churning with the bizarre encounter at Luke’s party. It was one of the weirdest conversations I ever had with a stranger. I walked to my cubicle and caught a faint tinge of cologne and suddenly Will’s fingers were at my neck, making me hot all over.

“Stop it,” I muttered to myself.