I wheeled around, resisting the urge to shove his chest. “Will I service clients at two in the morning? Do I prefer to be underneath you?”

His lips twitched into a grin.

“Are you twelve?”

“I have an unorthodox way of interviewing people to see if they’ll be a good fit. Shit. Don’t be upset.”

“Life is just a huge fucking joke to you, isn’t it?”

He opened his mouth, slack-jawed. “Natalie, I was just—”

“Save it!”

I turned from him and angrily wrenched open my car door. Will was still standing in the rain when I drove away.



I’ve been thinking about you these last few weeks. I still can’t believe it’s been eight months since—

The lid of my laptop snapped shut before I read the rest of the email. I hunched over my desk and bit my nails into my palms.

Ben reached out. I couldn’t believe it. At first, I felt a wild happiness, but a tidal wave of nerves drowned it.

I’mstarting to move on.

I flicked away a crumb. Then came the rage.

I didn’t want to finish the email. Not yet.

Laughter sounded from the living room. A pair of voices talked loudly as they walked into our apartment. They must be back from dinner.

Resigning myself to an evening of watching Luke and Jessica fawn over each other, I got up from my chair and joined them.


Jessica’s blonde ponytail whipped around. Luke stood in the kitchen, uncorking wine. I always wondered what he thought when he visited. I wondered if he couldn’t wait to get away. To return to his mansion. Maybe he found our peasant life charming.

“Hello, Luke.”

“How was your date?” Jessica grinned at me.

Let me see.

After I calmed down, I realized how embarrassing it had been. It was a complete disaster. A date with a stranger turned into an interview with Will, and somehow I had ameltdown.

“Um, well—itwas interrupted by Will.”

“Will who?”

“Your cousin.”

Luke’s face darkened. “What?”

“He showed up and paid Charlie to leave the table.” A burst of laughter left my throat at both of their expressions. I summoned the energy to walk to the kitchen table and clutched one chair. The fact thatI left the date almost in tears seemed kind of hilarious.

Jessica made a wordless “wow,” but Luke looked like his temple was about to explode.