Is this a rich people thing?

I couldn’t believe the fucking gall of this guy.

“You can’t just—how did you even find me?”

He rolled his eyes at me. “Oh, please. I did you a favor.”

“How the hell do you figure that?”

“Both of you looked bored.” He waved over the waitress. “I’ll have tea.”

What an ass.

I should be a lot angrier.

“Are you stalking me?” I hissed when she left with his order.

“Nope. Just overheard things at the workplace.” He sighed as if he had a long day and gazed at me with the hungry expression that first drew me to him. “You look beautiful.”

I flushed with pleasure and suddenly, the restaurant was too warm. I was stunned and flattered that he tracked me down all the way to Berkeley to—what? My anger stumbled.

“Thank you. You look great yourself.”

One dark eye winked at me. “What is this place?”

“It’s an Ethiopian restaurant.”

Will gawked as the waitress placed a huge platter in front of us, which was covered with a flattened, round piece of bread. The entrees were dropped on the bread in steaming piles. There were no utensils and I could see William freaking out about it.

“What the hell—how are we supposed to eat this?”

“You eat it with your hands.” I pointed to the bowl of rolled spongy bread. I took one and tore off a piece. Using it, I picked up the food and ate it. The lamb fell apart in my mouth, the rich spices making my tongue dance. It was delicious.

He raised an eyebrow. “Strange choice for a first date.”

“If you don’t like it, I can always call Charlie back. At least he was excited to try it.” It was strange how comfortable I felt around him. Being around Luke usually had me tongue-tied, but William was different. He was odd, but not intimidating.

“Not a chance,” he frowned.

“Are you afraid to get your hands dirty?” Rich boy?

His nostrils flared as if he smelled a challenge and rolled up his sleeves. Will gave me an “I’ll show you!” expression as he grabbed a roll of bread and picked up food with a piece. He brightened the moment itpassed his lips.

“Wow, this is good.” His revulsion with eating with his hands was overcome by how delicious it was. He dove back in with gusto.

All right, enough of the niceties. “Why are you here?”

He leaned in with that secret smile I loathed, the one that could see through all my bullshit. Just looking at him made my skin burn. “I wanted to see you again, andI usually get what I want.”

“I’ll bet you do, but I’m still not interested.” A flush crept up my neck but I didn’t look away from his narrowed eyes. His cocky attitude was wearing thin.

Will’s tossed his head.“Yeah, I don’t believe that for one second.”

“I just broke up with my fiancé of six years.”

“Luke told me you broke up almost a year ago. Told me to stay away from you.” He smiled to himself. “Naturally, that just made me want to see you even more.”

An invisible knife sank into my ribs, puncturing my lungs of air. “He said that? Why?” A ripple of anger went through me. Did they think for one second I didn’t know what he wanted from me?