It looked more like a vacation home than a hospice. There were atriums containing all different flora, regionally specific and temperature controlled. Workers pushed dying men and women in wheelchairs through them. The floors and walls exuded an aura of comfort, but underneath it all was the faint stench of cleaning supplies—of hospitals and death. Death lingered in this quiet place, and all of its cheery walls and colorful paintings couldn’t overshadow the dark gloom lingering in the halls.

No wonder he’s miserable. No one wants to die in a place like this.

I thought about it for a moment. Where would I like to die? Probably in the comfort of my apartment, with Natalie nearby. Yes, people wanted to be with their families when they died. Didn’t they?

I looked at Luke, who strode through with a look of perfect indifference. It was plain he couldn't care less about his father. Who would he want to be with?

He gave me a quick smile and my heart did a backflip.

“Don’t look so nervous, Jess.’ It’ll be okay.Well, actually, it might not be.”

Thanks for the vote in confidence.

We were meeting with the nurse charged with Giacomo’s case. I imagined that she would be strung out with stress at all the unreasonable demands Luke’s father made of her, but she turned out to be a chipper forty-something year old woman.

“Mr. Pardini, it’s great to meet you.”

He nodded. “How is he?”

“He keeps us busy,” she said with a twinkle in her eyes. “Visitors keep him in good spirits.”

“Visitors?” Luke raised an eyebrow.

“Yes. His nephews visit every month.”

I tried not to whimper as Luke crushed the bones of my hand. What did it mean?

“He’ll be so glad to see you. He talks about you all the time.”

Probably to complain about him.

“Oh, I’m sure.”

The nurse’s smile faltered at the tone of his voice, but she recovered. “Well, it’s this way.”

She opened the door for us and I swallowed hard as I walked through first.

A venerable man sat upright on a hospital bed. He was so thin that deep round bruises covered his arms like a dark disease. I stood in the room, breathless as I took in all the tubes and instruments humming, keeping him alive. I was astonished at how similar they looked. Though his body was wasted, his face held the vestiges of great looks. His icy eyes, sharp and alert, cut through me as if he could see through my disguise. I trembled as his lips pulled into a grin, his eyes skull-like.

“Hi Dad,” Luke said as he approached the bed. “This is my girlfriend, Jessica.”

Somehow, my mouth spasmed into something resembling a smile. “Nice to meet you.”

“Luke tells me that your parents are dentists. Do they approve of you flying around with a man you barely know?”

So, he was getting right to it. Fine. Bring it on.

“Dad,” Luke said in a sharp voice.

I held up a hand. “No, it’s fine. Your dad is just trying to protect you. It’s a valid question.” I smiled at Giacomo. “The answer is, I don’t know. I don’t talk to them anymore.”

“Ah!” he yelled in triumph. “I see. My son is the same way; he only talks to me when he wants more money—or when he wants to discuss work.”

Why would he want to call you? All you do is make him feel like crap.

Despite himself, Luke’s cheeks flushed pink. “What do you think all these visits from my cousins are for? Do you think they’re doing it out of the kindness of their hearts?”

I wanted to kick Luke’s leg.