Somehow, though, my brain picked up on “explore London” and “today.” The excitement seared through my veins like caffeine. I couldn’t wait to go out there.

“Sure, I’d love that.”

“Why don’t you get yourself ready while I answer emails?”


He walked around me with a small smile playing on his lips. For a moment, he looked like he wanted to add something but he changed his mind at the last second and shook his head, laughing to himself.

Beaming, I practically skipped to the bathroom, which was more the size of a locker room. The heated tiles warmed my feet, and I sighed as I walked bare-footed, gazing at the gleaming porcelain sinks and the glass shower, which still had a sprinkling of water on the walls. I could imagine Luke showering in a fog of steam, his rippled body hanging outto grab the powder-white towel on the rail. For a moment, I envisioned us together, and gasped out loud. My legs wrappedaround his powerful waist as he held me up in his arms and drove into me, my back against the shower wall. I could feel the stab of pleasure radiating up my thigh, glowing in the warmth between my legs.

The shower heated in seconds and I stepped into the hot blast of water, the knots in my shoulder melting away. It was stocked with a myriad of products. I lathered myself up in a perfumed steam and imagined Luke’s hands gripping my waist, his neck bending down to kiss my naked flesh.

A thrill of exhilaration and fear rippled through my body. I shook my head. It didn’t matter right now. I would not be having sex with Luke, even if we had amazing chemistry.

As I toweled myself off, I realized that the bathroom didn’t come equipped with hairbrushes. I had to return to my suitcase. I let my wet hair cascade down my shoulders and left the roomwearingnothing but a towel. Anxiety stabbed my chest as I peeked around the corner and saw him in the living room.

Let’s see him react to me.

Luke was sitting on the couch with his laptop, fully dressed. A phone was against his ear. I walked across his vision and hearda lull in his speech. I glanced and saw that Luke was staring at me. Naked desire shone all over his face. His mouth hung half-open and the white-knuckled fingers clutched his phone. A moment later, Luke snapped back to his conversation.

“Yes, sorry. As I was saying…”

I walked toward the bathroom with my toiletry bag in my hand and felt his eyes following me back. I smirked to myself in the mirror as I applied my makeup.


The eyeliner flew as a facematerialized in themirror. I glanced to my right and screamed, knocking several tins of makeup off the sink. Luke was standing in the doorway, his arms crossed over his chest, wearing a deep frown.

“What are you doing?” I shrieked as I bent over to pick them up. “I could have been naked!”

“Yes, how horrible that would be,” he drawled.

I didn’t like the accusatory stare in his eyes or the aggressive way he blocked my exit.

“I know what you’re trying to do.”

A small shock rippled through my body.

He thinks I’m up to something?

I looked around the room, searching for evidence. Had I used his hair products against his permission? Bewildered, I threw my hands up. “I don't understand what you’re—”

“If you get me to do something with you, you could sue for sexual harassment.”

The accusation stunned me for a moment, then I threw back my head and laughed at how ridiculous that sounded. Luke flinched at my laughter echoing in the tiled room. “That’s the dumbest idea I’ve ever heard. You’re already paying me ten grand a month. Why would I get greedy?”

Still shaking, I shook my head and returned to the mirror. Did he believe that I had an ulterior motive?

“You walked through the apartment half-naked. Don’t tell me you didn’t expect me to notice that.”

He was right. But I didn’t do it so I could screw him over!

“Who was the one who did it first?”

Now it was his turn to look surprised. His hand flew to his hair. “What? I didn’t—”

I knew I should drop it, but I didn’t. “You’ve been playing with me. Admit it. You like the attention.”