“No, no.” She shakes her head, still not looking at me. “I’m sorry. I really didn’t mean to kick you that hard. You just were…” She shakes her head again before turning to me with a tight-lipped smile. “It’s nothing. You didn’t do anything. It’s me. The hormones, you know.”
“Ah.” I know enough from my brothers’ experiences to not comment either way on a woman’s hormones. “Well, I know I tend to like to…cuddle in my sleep, so perhaps I’ll take to sleeping on the sofa after all. To protect my shins, if nothing else.”
It’s a lie, of course. I don’t know that I’ve ever been known tocuddle. If anything, I prefer being alone in bed. I’m not certain what to make of the fact that my body is so drawn to hers.
“It’s okay.” She finally settles into her seat. “I guess I’m just a little over sensitive.”
“Understandable,” I say. I want to reach over and touch her, take her hand. Something. Anything. But I don’t dare. I felt her desire yesterday when she kissed me—at least before she pushed me away. I know she feels something for me, if only an attraction. But it’s something we can work with, something to build upon.
Of course, once she finds out she’s stuck with me for the next twenty years, that attraction may fade very quickly.
Twenty years.
I must tell her.
This weekend. It’s the perfect time and place to tell her everything.
“So, where are we going?” She reaches over and takes my hand.
The blast of energy that jolts up my arm at her touch makes me look at her. Our eyes lock for only a moment, but I swear she must feel it, too, because she pulls her hand away just as quickly as she had taken it.
It takes me a second to catch my breath. “To our cabin.” I clear my throat. “My family’s cabin. It’s very small—just a cabin. But…but I thought it would be a nice place to get away for a few days.”
“And when you say ‘cabin,’ you mean a ten-bedroom estate, right?”
I can’t help but smile. “No, it’s truly only a cabin. But there are two bedrooms. One for me and one for you. And I’ve brought enough food to last us the week if you like it there. No cameras. No interviews. Just…quiet.”
“Just the two of us.” She says the words almost under her breath. “Um, Caspar, I don’t know.”
“Oh.” I glance over at her. “Truly, Renae, I only wanted to take you here because I thought you could have some peace. I made you a promise. I don’t think I’ve ever demonstrated that I’m anything but a man of my word.”Except for our marriage contract, at any rate.
It takes her a moment, but she finally nods. “I’m glad I brought my books.” She smiles. “It’ll be nice to have some time alone.” Her eyes widen. “No offense.”
“None taken. Perhaps you’ll want to eat dinner with me? I did bring fishing gear. If I’m lucky enough to catch anything?—”
“I’ll cook it for us.” She grins. “My dad and I used to go fishing. We’d grill whatever we caught over the fire pit. It was delicious.” Her smile falls only slightly. “This could be really nice.”
We’re at the cabin an hour later—a lovely piece of property that’s been in my family for generations. Unlike the grand estates, this truly is a small cabin. But it’s well-appointed with everything we’ll need for our stay.
Except for the other car in the drive.
Renae cocks her head at the sight. “Were you expecting anyone else to be here?”
“I can’t say that I was, no.” I frown as I park behind the other car.
I open Renae’s door and help her from her seat. As soon as the door closes, a small voice comes from the trees just behind the cabin.
“Caca! Nay-nay! Come play!” My nephew bolts from the trees and climbs into my arms, throwing himself around me.
A moment later, Xavier follows. “Brother.” He clucks his tongue. “What are you doing here?”
Well, this day is certainly full of surprises. Whether they’re good ones or not remains to be seen.
Caspar scoops his nephew into his arms, making a silly face at him before sending a more serious expression in the direction of his brother. “You’re not supposed to be here.”