“At least let me get my top off,” she murmured against lips that wouldn’t leave hers.
“Mm-hmm,” he growled.
Still kissing him, Gwen tucked her wings away and, with his own hands right there to help, tugged her shirt over her head.
They did this as he walked her backward through some kind of apartment that she wasn’t paying the slightest bit of attention to. Her clothes, his, all came off in a rush, until they were standing in a bedroom, breathing heavy, and stark naked, except for her wings, which she unfurled again.
She expected him to go straight for her breasts, which were a nice handful, she’d always thought. Not large, but not small, and nicely pert.
But he didn’t.
Instead, he took her face in his hands, indigo eyes suddenly darker both with need, and now with serious intent.
“If we mate…”
“Not if,” she interrupted.
He grimaced. “Please, love. I have to say this.”
She covered his hands with hers and smiled. “I’m listening.”
“If we mate, you might turn dragon.”
That’s what he was worried about?
“If the elder pixie was wrong, and we’re not fated, I’ll die. Isn’t that more of a?—”
Asher shook his head. “That no longer happens to our mates. Not since the phoenix rose to power. Her magic has…changed things. If we choose each other, you won’t die.”
A tiny, huffed laugh escaped from her. “Well, that’s nice.”
She’d been holding onto the worry ever since they’d decided to be together again. Pixies lived not quite as long as dragons, but close. And she was younger than Asher, in terms of years. So if they couldn’t truly mate, they’d still be mates in her heart and together for centuries to come.
That could have been enough.
But knowing they could safely join themselves now, in a way so fundamental, so primal? Her heart tripped over itself in joy.
“That’s good.”
He didn’t smile. “I won’t take who you are away from you.”
She smiled for him. Radiant with it, she could feel the love pouring from her. “You won’t.”
His brows drew together in a quick frown.
“My mother pulled me aside before we left and explained how it works when dragons mate other supernatural creatures. It’s not the dominant power that wins out. It’s a choice. My choice.”
Asher’s shoulder dropped. “Thank fuck for that.”
Gods, she loved this man to the depths of her soul.
Knowing he would have stopped. Knowing he would have given up the extra years that being mated gifted dragons just to be with her.
It meant everything.
And then all rational thought deserted her as Asher claimed her lips once more, urgent and yet reverent. The difference was subtle, but she felt it with each brush, each sweet swipe of his tongue, the way they clung together.