Impressive. But not unusual if Delilah hired this woman.
“Is the egg that important?” Skylar asked.
“To me? No. My courier is the priority, but she might think differently…” Delilah shrugged. “I called to ask for your help. I’d like to send help in her direction. As soon as I see her signal, I can give specifics.”
“I’ll go.” The words were out of Asher’s mouth before he made a conscious decision to step up and volunteer. Ladon and Skylar both did a double take.
“Really?” Ladon asked in a low aside. “Why?”
Asher’s dragon unfurled in him, interest fully caught now. A mission. That’s what they needed.
He said nothing, and Ladon didn’t push it.
Kasem scowled. “We have our own trackers here?—”
“No one is as good as Asher,” Ladon interrupted.
“With respect,” Skylar tacked on for her mate, whose jaw tensed.
The queen’s lead guard wasn’t letting it go. “This is?—”
Meilin rose gracefully from the table, silencing Kasem. “Asher’s reputation is well known. He’ll go, with his king and queen’s permission. All I ask is that he reports to me as well. Directly.”
Ladon glanced at Skylar, who nodded, then at Asher, passing on the nod.
Asher barely kept from rubbing his hands together in anticipation, his dragon stretching, already ready to go. Finally something he could use his skills for.
On the screen, Delilah also nodded. “I suggest you start in Darwin and head north. She’ll try to take the shortest route but may have to lay some false tracks.”
He’d already decided on that as a first step. “Tell me more about your courier.”
“She’s a moon pixie. She can travel by and hide in moonlight. Very useful.”
Asher froze halfway out of his seat.
“Wow.” Kasem’s murmur vaguely penetrated the sudden roar in Asher’s ears. Instant, bone-deep knowledge struck him in the chest, and for the first time in a long time, he had to focus to leash down his dragon.
There was only one pixie that could be.
“No wonder she’s good,” Kasem said. “Who is she?”
Delilah’s smile was enigmatic. “Her name is?—”
“Gwen Moonsoar,” Asher said.
Delilah’s gaze narrowed on him sharply. “How would you know that?”
Which confirmed it.
Fuck. Of course, it’s Gwen.
It’s like his memories only moments ago had summoned her. More came at him hard and fast now—of silky black hair and laughing pale gold eyes, of lips tipped in a sweet smile or pursed in irritation. Did she still taste as sweet? Did she laugh like she used to? Did she still hate him?
It was a damn good thing he’d already volunteered, because they’d have to kill him now to stop him from going after her.