No. Ladon said Fallon was treating him. That meant he was in Ben Nevis in Scotland.

“We’re home,” Ladon said, confirming that train of thought. He paused. “We were at Yulong Xueshan.” Home base for the green dragons. That much he knew. “You remember Delilah?”

He knew the woman, but… “Was she at Yulong Xueshan?”


“No.” Ladon shook his head. “You went to find one of Delilah’s couriers who’d gone missing.”


A flash of an achingly familiar face, pale and determined, inside the cockpit of a plane surrounded by storm.


Asher jackknifed in the bed, sitting straight up as everything came back with a rush that threatened to knock him back under.

He swayed with the motion, and Ladon lurched forward, a hand at his back. “Whoa there. What’s the rush?”

“Where is she?” His dragon snarled, frantic and struggling with the fog in his head.

Ladon frowned. “Who?”


“The courier?” Ladon asked slowly, like he wasn’t quite keeping up.

Panic threatened to crush Asher, the weight of it like a thousand boulders on his lungs. “At least tell me she’s alive.”

“She’s fine.”

Thank the gods.

“Saved your ass, actually. The egg too.”

Who gave a shit about the damn egg?

Asher sank back against the pillows. “I need to talk to her.”

He’d known when he’d used the last of his strength to blast those wraiths off her that if they survived, they couldn’t go on like they had been. That he’d have to find a way around his oath to Goran. That or die.

Either way, he was going to tell Gwen everything. At least she’d know the truth. That was better, wasn’t it? Better than this limbo they were stuck in because of a promise he gave in blood and the way Goran’s death made things look.

Ladon’s eyes narrowed, still oblivious. “She’s gone.”

Another growl from his dragon. This one threatening their friend. Asher didn’t even blink or bother to leash the beast inside him. “The fuck you mean gone?”

“We got both of you, and the egg, to Meilin. What Gwen did with her light got the poison out of you. Meilin’s Healer was able to do a little more, so we knew you’d live. Gwen left Yulong Xueshan as soon as she knew you were going to be all right. After that we brought you here.”

Asher sank back against the pillows. She’d run. Again. Escaped him.

And when a moon pixie didn’t want to be found…


“Get me unhooked now.”

He had to find her. Had to tell her.