He’d cupped her face with his hands, their legs tangling in the water like they were now. “How about now?” he’d asked in a voice gone even lower, gruffer. Blue fire flashed in his eyes, his dragon so close to the surface. “Any rescuing needed?”

Only if dying of anticipation was a thing. “From you?” she’d whispered.

Asher had nodded slowly.

“Nah.” She’d been unable to hold in her grin.

He’d moved his face closer, eyes twinkling, their breath mingling. “What about now?”

Was this really happening? she’d thought. Hells, she’d just about die of fluttery excitement. “I’m all good.”

He’d moved even closer still, nudging the tip of her nose with his. “And now?” he whispered.

“Well…” she whispered back. “Maybe…”

The slow smile that reached his eyes about stopped her heart. “Gwen, if you don’t want me to kiss you, say so now.”

She’d gasped, and his gaze had dropped to her lips.

Gods, she’d dreamed of that kiss for years. No way would she have said anything to stop him.

The way he’d closed the distance between their lips had been the sweetest torture. Slow. Agonizingly slow, while his gaze pinned her. He’d rubbed his cheek against hers, and then even slower, tilted his head until his lips had hovered over hers.

She’d given the tiniest whimper, and that’s when he’d kissed her.

And, gods, his kiss had been…everything. Soft and sweet to start, like he was making sure this was what she wanted too. But quickly, the tenor had changed. Still slow, like he was savoring every press of their lips, every sweep of his tongue against hers, and yet urgent at the same time.

And claiming.

That’s what had made her glow, her happiness triggering the moonlight buried in her very skin, lighting them up along with the water around them in a heavenly light.

Asher had slowed their kisses to pull back, staring at her in something like…awe.

“I have to do something dangerous for my king,” he’d said that day, gaze so intent on hers. “I won’t be able to see you for a while, but when I’m done...”

“What are you doing out there?” Goran had yelled from the shore.

Gwen and Asher hadn’t finished that conversation, and Asher hadn’t finished the promise he’d seemed to be making. Or maybe a question. One she’d answered in her heart.

I’ll wait for you.

The next day he was gone. For a year she’d thought maybe…but then Goran had died, and Asher had been part of it, in a way he’d refused to explain. In a way that looked like he either killed Goran or didn’t try to save him. Neither of those things had seemed to fit. They weren’t the Asher she thought she’d known. But because of his reticence, his refusal to share any information, her parents had decided that either way he was responsible, and he hadn’t argued with them. He’d just done that silent thing he always did when he’d said all he was going to say.

All those hopes and dreams smashed.

So, she’d run, needing to find a new life, new dreams.

Now, the lap of the water against her skin felt the same as then. This close, even doused in salt water, she could smell the familiar scent of campfire that lingered on his skin. At least he was faced away from her. Less temptation.

You shouldn’t be tempted at all, Gwendolyn Moonsoar, she chastised herself.

They’d been dealing with surviving, and just because they were now relatively safe, that didn’t mean she’d forgive him for the past.

Needing the emotional distance, Gwen did her best to harden her heart. Nothing had changed. Not really. No matter how she wanted it to.

“Yeah, my wings are too wet to fly,” she said in a voice gone harder and harsher.
