“Um…your girlfriend has anamazing voice,” a shocked voice sounded behind her.

She whirled to face Chance,his golden wings still visible as he stood beside his neighbor, whowas staring at her like men stared at angels.

Elodie sighed. “Cover your ears,” she saidto Chance.

As soon as he did, sheopened her mouth, singing again. Immediately Roger went dazed,slack-jawed and hazy-eyed. Her monster raged, because usually thatwas the sign of a kill, but Elodie managed to keep her shittogether and closed her mouth.

Roger wouldn’t remember athing. Not Chance flying him out of a burning building or how hegot to the ground and definitely not her singing.

“Let’s go before he comesout of it.”

Chance only took the time to get Roger tohumans who could help him. Then he returned to Elodie and flew themaway without question or hesitation.

Chapter 12

Chance prowled aroundElodie’s pristine white living room, staring out into the night andthe quiet street where she lived, not thrilled to have ended uphere a second time. He hadn’t even wanted to come here the firsttime.

Everything had happened sofast, they hadn’t gotten an opportunity to slow down untilnow.

She’d been a shivering icecube of a woman almost as soon as their feet had left the ground.Sirens did better in Mediterranean environs, which was why so fewmade their homes in colder climates. Elodie was the only siren thathe knew of to make her home in this city. After a heated argument,during which she’d only grown colder in his arms while he flew,he’d agreed to take her back to her place.

“We need to get out of thecity,” he’d said, already tipping his wings to leave the fastestdirection out.

“No.” Elodie’s voice hadheld the kind of stubbornness he’d heard before. “Myplace.”

“Hell no.” Even now, hegrimaced at the tension coiling in his muscles. “He has to knowwhere you live,” he’d argued.

“We’ll have to take thatrisk. I need clothes.”

Chance had scowled downinto her beautiful, argumentative, upturned face. “What if he evenwants you to go there? It could be a trap.”

“I need clothes, and weneed to regroup.”

Chance had opened his mouthto argue but then she’d given a full body shiver, and it hadfinally penetrated his thick skull that she was riskingexposure.


“I’ll find you a warm placeto hide and go get you clothes.” Preferably out of the city, buteven then, he hadn’t thought she’d make it that far.

Then Elodie had laid herhand on his chest, the move so trustingly intimate that he actuallyheld his breath. Those big brown eyes had been fathomlesslytrusting on his, and he’d felt himself melting.

“My apartment is twominutes from here,” she’d said quietly, reasonably. “And I’m amonster. If he comes, I can handle him.”

Chance hadn’t put up muchof a fight after that. He’d shaken his head. Even standing herenow, he still didn’t like it.

“I’ll be fast,” she’dwheedled. “In an out.”

Fuck. He blown out a harshbreath. “Gods save me from a determined siren.”

Gods he was a sucker forher, just like every other male on the planet.

Once they’d gotten to herplace, she’d showered to get some body heat going, then dressed. Bythe time she emerged, Delilah and Alasdair had teleported in tomeet them.

After hearing thedescription of Cretan’s holographic illusion, Delilah and Alasdairhad exchanged a speaking glance only mates could share. One thatsaid they had a pretty good idea of who was behind that particularissue.

A witch. Holograms weremagic.

Which lined up withElodie’s first thought when she’d seen it earlier. But the pairactually had an idea of a specific witch.