And she’d do the same for him.
Smiling, she turned and putan extra sway in her hips as she walked straight to the floor-toceiling-windows that looked out over the bright lights of the citythat never sleeps. With the lights on in the apartment behind her,anyone could see inside. See her standing in only thigh-highs andheels.
She placed her hands on theglass and leaned over, spreading her legs wide, then glanced overher shoulder at Chance, who still hadn’t moved, his chest risingand falling sharply with each intake of breath.
“Join me?” she asked, hervoice sultry. Not because she forced it to be. It just came outthat way. For him.
Chapter 4
Holy hells. Elodie Sirenian was going to bethe death of him.
But dying like this…what away to go.
Chance was up off the couchand across the room to her, and his body was insisting that he buryhimself balls deep inside her, but the smile she’d given him whenhe jumped up had been both teasing and pleased withherself.
Time for a little tit fortat now that they’d taken a bit of the edge off with that firstround.
He placed one palm flatbetween her shoulder blades to hold her still. With the other, hetraced the lines and curves of her, his touch a gentle brush thatwould both torment and titillate. He didn’t go near a singleerogenous zone though. Came close. Teased. But no directcontact.
Chance kept that up, andenjoyed every damn minute of it, until he had her trembling andfrustrated as all get out. “Fuck me, damn you,” shemuttered.
“Not yet,lover.”
Even if he was aching so hard his balls weredrawing up inside him.
But he did let both handswander, pressing himself against her back and reaching around tocup her heavy breasts. Play with them. Roll her nipples until theywere like pebbles, hard against his palms, then he pinched. Nothard. She’d said no pain.
Her scent wafted to himalong with her whimper, and he allowed one hand to stray down toher damp curls, then lower still, slipping inside her. Hells, shewas soaked for him, juices dripping down the insides of herthighs.
He pulled his fingers out and she whimperedat the loss, then her entire body jerked as he found that bundle ofpure nerves and flicked it.
Her gasp hit him right in the gut.
So he flickedagain.
And again, and again, andagain, until, with a cry she pitched over into another orgasm, bodyshaking against his as it ripped through her. He had to hook hisarm around her waist to hold her up as the waves crested. And asshe came, he aligned his cock at her slick entrance, timing histhrusts with the shudders wracking her body.
He wasn’t gentle either.
He knew, as wet as she was,and the way she’d taken him earlier, that he wouldn’t hurt her. Hersweet pussy clamped so hard around his hard cock, it took all hisself-control to keep from spilling his seed inside her rightthen.
Instead, he gathered her hair in a fist,using that to hold her steady, and slammed his body into hers.Once.
“Okay?” heasked.
“Yes,” she was panting hardby now.
He reared back and slammeddeep again, this position giving him a new angle. Turning her headwith the grip he had on her hair, he smiled at the way she’d closedher eyes. He watched the side of her face as he did it again, powersurging through him at the way her lips dropped open.
“Look at me,lover.”
She turned her head alittle more, eyes on his, and gods she was the most gorgeous thinghe’d ever seen. Pupils blown out and lips parted in bliss, totallyenthralled in that sexual haze some women could get to. Andthat had nothing to dowith the arrow.
This was entirely her andhow she responded to his touch. To his godsdamned touch.
“Touch yourself while Ifuck you,” he demanded roughly.
She slipped her handbetween her legs and, not taking her eyes from his, moaned at herown touch. He slammed into her and didn’t stop, kept up thatruthless rhythm, holding off his own release, until with hardly aflutter of warning, she cried out, clamping down on him hard.Strangling his cock until he exploded inside her on a roar as hergreedy body drained him.