The grin that curled hismouth was pure sin. Still using his grip on her, he thrust again,and she tipped her head back, eyes closed, ready to enjoy the ride.He impaled her over and over in rough, heavenly, rapidsuccession.

That tell-tale tinglingtook up at the base of her spine, but then he suddenly slowedhimself down. Elodie moaned. Gods she’d been so close. She neededto come.

Opening her eyes toprotest, the words lodged in her throat. Chance was staring down attheir joined bodies, something akin to fascination etched acrosshis features, stealing her own breath as he drew out the way hepossessed her body in long, slow, torturous thrusts.

How did he know that dragagainst her made her wild? And he kept it up until she waswhimpering.

“Please,” shewhispered.

“Don’t wait onme.”

Elodie buried her face inhis neck and inhaled. Gods he smelled amazing. Like her favoritescents of orange and coffee. Masculine and yet so who he was,refreshing and charming and invigorating.

“Take what you need,” hewhispered, and let her hips go. Giving her full control.

She lifted herself up,shuddering at the slide of him inside her, then down. Then harder,drawing a satisfying grunt from him. A noise that set her off likea firecracker. Letting go of everything that might hold her back,she took as much as she gave. She took her own pleasure from hisbody, ruthlessly. But at the same time, based on the string ofwords pouring from him—encouragement, swears, and a lot of “that’sright, fuck me hard”—she knew she was giving pleasure at the sametime.

Why that made her own pleasure deepen, shedidn’t want to examine. This was just supposed to be fucking. Butdamn he felt amazing.

Her orgasm hit with nowarning. No pretingling sensation like from earlier. Just buildingand pressure and penetration, and then throw her head back on ascream as pure sensation hijacked her system.

Sensation that didn’t stopuntil he swelled inside her, shouting his own release, which tippedher over into a second orgasm. The first one hadn’t stopped though,sensation layering on sensation in the best way.

By the time they both slowed and stilled,her body was slick with sweat and he was still buried inside her,semi-hard.

“Holy shit,” he mutteredinto her shoulder.

Her thoughts exactly. Thathad been…intense. Almost brutally fast. And…she’d enjoyed everydamn second.

Then he kissed that same spot on hershoulder in the sweetest way which sent her heart tumblingover.

On a frown, she leveredoff his lap. This was just fucking. Hearts shouldnot be tumblinganywhere. Jerking her dress down, she didn’t look at him untilshe’d arranged herself more modestly.

Only to find he hadn’tmoved an inch. His still-hard cock lay on his belly and he hadn’tcovered up. Instead, he was watching her with a mash-up ofcuriosity, amusement, and heat.

The heat sent a new wave ofher own building inside her again. Not softly either. Elodiepressed her lips around a groan. “Are you already…?” His cocktwitched, if anything hardening more, and her eyes widened. “Iguess you are.”

At least she wasn’t goingthrough this fuck-frenzy with someone who didn’t have the sameeffect happening. That would have been embarrassing.

Chance grinned. “For somepeople, apparently the first few hours can be intense. I guesswe’re one of those lucky sets.”

Lucky? She had no idea whatto feel about that. She’d said no feelings. She’d had her heartshattered before. Thought she was in love and he loved her back.He’d gotten one look at her monster and ran. Feelings weredangerous.

So right now it was best tojust focus on the physical.

Besides, this all had to be the arrow,right? Not real.

Without a word Elodiebacked up a step and whipped her dress over her head, then took offher bra. Chance went so still where he reclined and yet his gazecould have scorched her, and her hands stilled, fumbledeven.

He wasn’t looking at her with that lust thather prey usually did. A reaction that had nothing to do with her asa person.

The look in his eyeswas…Chance really wanted her.


And he did know her. Betterthan most, actually. He may not have seen her kill, but, otherwise,he knew her. But to him, she wasn’t just some easy piece of ass ora one-night quickie. Not that there was anything wrong with that,if that’s what both parties wanted. But so many centuries of onlybeing looked at that way tended to make a girl jaded.

Forget her tricks andforget the fact that they both had to endure this because of thatdamn arrow. She would just let go and enjoy being touched andlooked at like that.