Why not take advantage ofthis…situation…and just enjoy? No guilt and no strings. She had a“Get Out of Jail Free” card. Plus, she hadn’t been kissed by a manshe wanted in…well, she couldn’t remember the last time. Her preynever got past the kissing and maybe heavy groping phases, so ithad been even longer since she’d been good and fucked.

And Chance was…

A good man.

Deliberately, she pushedthat aside. The arrow was inducing lust. This didn’t have to dowith who they were as people, but the fact that their bodies wantedeach other. Right?

That’s all it could be forher at least. No good man ever encountered the monster inside herand stuck around. Not that many had tried. Just two in herlifetime. Both a disaster.

So she’d enjoy the fucking and do her bestto bring him equal pleasure. Something for them both to enjoyfondly.

And the sooner the better,because the way her clit was pulsing, she was already at the edgeof an orgasm, just on the idea alone. It was taking every singlevestige of self-control not to straddle the man. Or unzip his pantsand suck his cock. Or drag his hand further up her skirt. Anythingto relieve this throbbing need.

Which was why she didn’tsay a word until they were inside his apartment. She took a quickglance around, noting that it suited him. Not a huge space, but itwas still a loft with terrific views, both modern and cozy with thecurrent day blend of contemporary and traditional with exposed redbrick and wood beams paired with blacks, leathers, glass, andchromes throughout.

It felt lived in. A real home.

He reached for her but she stepped back.“Ground rules…”

Chance crossed his arms,jaw flexing, and she almost smiled. At least she wasn’t the onlyone whose body was going haywire.

“Go ahead,” hesaid.

“This is about fucking.Mutual gratification until the effects of your arrow wearoff.”

He nodded.

“No feelings.”

He paused this time, but eventually nodded.“Anything else?”

“Respect each other’sboundaries. I’m not into pain, otherwise just about anything goes.I’ll tell you if I don’t like it. You do the same.Agreed?”

“Agreed.” He grinned. “Idon’t mind a little pain though, if you’re moved thatway.”

Her panties soaked at thesudden thought of biting him. Like she was a godsdamned werewolf orsomething.

“Noted.” How that came outnot strangled, she had no idea. “Just one other thing.”

He waited patiently. Gazeintent on hers, color flaring over cheekbones the only sign that hewas at the edge of his control. “What?”

“If I don’t come in thenext five minutes, I might explode—”

Elodie squealed as shefound herself scooped up against a hard male chest and just asquickly deposited beside the couch.

“I prefer the bed,” hemuttered through teeth now clenched. “But we’re not going to makeit there.”

In a blink he unzipped hispants and freed his cock, then jerked the short skirt of her dressup to her hips. “This first round is going to be…”

“Good. Hurry.”

“Care about these?” Hehooked a finger in the side of her panties.

Her hair tumbled about hershoulders at the shake of her head, and, in one jerk, he rippedthem right off her. Then she didn’t know if she moved or if hemoved or both, but he was seated on the black leather couch and shewas straddling him, sinking down over the hard, hot shaft of hiscock. So wet that she slid to the base without having to work himin slowly.

They both groaned, andChance’s fingertips bit into the flesh at her hips. Using that gripas leverage, he thrust hard. Elodie whimpered and his gaze liftedto hers. A sudden sense of…connection…trapped her in that blue-eyedgaze.

“Chance?” she whispered. Aquaver in her voice. Because connection was against the rules. Andshe’d set those rules because more than just sex scared the hellsout of her.